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Posts posted by Wiler77

  1. I've actually had the thought that I don't see a distinct difference in decades for the 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s.  I mean, there are plenty of new influences, like smart phones, which may be the single most influential invention of the past 70 years, but I'm talking about style, music, etc.

    50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s were totally distinct.  But the 2000's all just kinda run together IMO.  Maybe because I was finished with college in 2000 and somehow being an "adult" makes me less able to see the differences because I'm less influences by them?  I feel like I could listen to a song or see a photo from 1950 though 1999 and be able to tell you the decade, even if it was new to me.  Absolutely not true from 2000-2023.  I'd say "2000s".

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  2. On 1/24/2023 at 4:33 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Biggest fucking snowflakes in the history of the US.  They make Obama’s pajama boy look like Magnus von Magnusson, famed Scandinavian strongman.

    Great reference, but it's Magnus Ver Magnusson

    I definitely watched too many WSM contests back in the day.

    • Drool 2
  3. 46 minutes ago, Hornlover said:

    2. No, the Aggy $9.95ers said no such thing. They continue to lie and obfuscate and make lurid insinuations about NIL at other schools, but they've never once admitted that:

    A) the 2022 class was a mercenary class bought with illicit under-the-table payments (aka Bags) 

    B) The 2022 class requires additional payments to keep the rest of the rats from fleeing the ship

    C) The 2019-2021 classes are not content with seeing the payments to 2022 when they didn't get theirs

    D) Not only do portal transfers have little-to-no interest in playing for Jimbo and the cesspool that is aggy football, but that they probably have to pay over-market rate to beat offers from other teams.

    The aggy fans are in denial and think that they are some great destination and can't understand why players aren't flocking to play there, NIL or not.

    One of them absolutely stated something to the effect of the priority was using "resources" or "energy" or something else that absolutely meant "money" to keep the 2022 class on campus.  It was a topic of discussion on either this thread or one of the other Aggy recruiting threads.

  4. I'm a passive follower of recruiting.  Most of my info comes from this board.

    I guess I don't understand the hand wringing around this Tyler Harrell kid.

    1. His profile says he's from Miami.

    2. The Aggy 9.95ers pretty much told their audience that most of the money available for players would be used on retaining the 2022 class.  That should indicate whatever they get in the portal is done with a large of amount of finger crossing.  JAGs that you hope the best for.  Especially if you plan on filling out the roster since they lost 1/3 of it due to graduation and the portal.

    Not sure how that changes next year, unless they make more money available for players.  They'll need a large class.  Or a lot of incoming transfers.  And the 2022 class is still expecting money, and they may up their requirements to stay on a train to nowhere if they go 7-5.  The complete mismanagement of the roster and lack of organization on actual NIL is fascinating to watch.

  5. I never planned to start on Jan 1, so I'm not counting that. Jan 3 was my start date, and I'm 16-2. Old friend came in town last weekend, and I had a few on sat and sun. Didn't overdo it at all, which I was proud of



    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 16 hours ago, SL Xpress said:

    I refuse to believe the administration would actually hire Calipari, the sleaziest basketball coach in the history of the sport, IMO. 

    He's also not a good coach. 

    Not that it means anything, but I won't be able to follow Texas basketball with that guy as head coach. He makes me sick on every level. As far as I'm concerned he's the worst kind of scumbag. 

    Honestly, Calipari is very close to being a completely amoral psychopath. Not the serial killing kind, but absolutely the kind with no conscience, who has to mimic other people so he can pretend he has any level of empathy towards others whatsoever. Might as well hire a reptile. 

    Yea, but other than that...

  7. This is our first year trying it.  We usually back in Jan, but never tried to go totally dry.  The workweek wasn't hard.  Busy days and we were both tired all week.  We went out to dinner last night and it really wasn't an issue sticking to water.  Today has been the hardest.  I got a ton of errands done, worked around the house, played soccer with the kids, got in a run/bike combo, and now it's getting dark, football is on, and I feel like relaxing with a fucking beer.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    You know dogs eat shit and grass right?  Does their palate really taste bbq brisket flavor?  

    Have you never had a dog?  It took mine about 3 different types of food when he was a puppy to find one he would eat.  To this day there are some treats he won't touch.

    But he goes ape shit whenever we cook chicken or turkey.  Or salmon.  He LOVES salmon skin.

    Yes, he loves eating deer poop in the yard, but he's also a lover of the finer things.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 hours ago, field said:

    Not sure it's that cut and dry.  You can disagree with Gregg all day long about all sorts of coaching decisions, but it doesn't make what they Reyna's did right - at all.  

    True, but Greg threw Gio under the bus at a speaking engagement and tried to claim he thought it was "off the record." I find it a little funny Mrs. Reyna said she thought her conversation was a private one.  Revenge is a dish best served cold...by a helicopter parent.

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  10. They have no good solution other than blowing the whole thing up, but they won't do that.

    They spent so much money on the 2022 class that they can't let them walk.  Plus, from a talent perspective that's their best chance of fielding a team that is halfway competitive.  The bad news they are a bunch of mercenaries that will require a LOT of funding every year, at least the ones worth a shit.

    But due to shittastic roster management, they have a LOT of scholarships to fill, and need to do so via the portal.  Oops, no money for that, with the exception of the guys nobody wants.  Because teams with proper raster management will take a rifle approach and put resources behind a few key players rather than the shotgun approach Jimbo has fucked them with.

    Well, about that money...there probably is money to fill a foster, but the guys with the money are withholding it due to "creative differences" with the offense and need Jimbo to change what he's doing on that side of the ball.  That's a great plan when the coach you are trying to strong-arm has 100% of the leverage due to a joke of a contract that an 8 year old would laugh at.  Classic cutting off your nose to spite your face.  So Mr. "A dig is a dig" is going to hire an OC-in-name-only to run the same tired offense and for once I completely agree with Aggies everywhere...I can't fucking wait until next year.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Getafix said:


    Here's some mega spiked eggnog for you degenerates.

    Tarp posted a note and added comments which essentially confirmed the worst fears that that rare breed - the aggie that's not deluded - has had:

    - Fisher will have full control over the OC hire, without interference

    - he believes his offensive system is fine, and wants to leave it mostly unchanged (me: yay!)

    - Fisher will have to sign off on any tweaks (me: yessss!!)

    - will focus on keeping the 2022 class together

    - thinks it'll be hard to find players of that quality in the portal


    Here's the whole honey baked ham, and some comments ... Merry Christmas!


    Some Merry Christmas bits



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    Some Merry Christmas bits


    Apologies for not posting some of this yetserday but I was on the road and then with family for the rest of Christmas Eve.

    First off, I do think that people make too much out of offensive systems and play calling because it’s relatively easy to criticize on the surface. You see that with the Dallas Cowboys the past few weeks….quarterback Dak Prescott and offensive coordinator Kellen Moore have received their share of the blame for the franchise playing close games while they’re putting up 30 to 50 points a game most of the time.
    However, there’s only a certain number of pass routes and runs you can employ within any scheme.

    A&M boss Jimbo Fisher himself made quite a few comments on the Aggies’ search for an offensive coordinator in his signing day press conference by noting this: “when you draw it on the board...there ain't a hill of beans between them. I keep saying that whether it's pro style, spread, Air Raid...they're all the same. Football is football. A over is an over, a dig's a dig (routes). We'll get the right guy that we think can fit and move the football.”

    Fisher wants to be able to run much of the same system that he’s been running on offense much like he did on defense when he added DJ Durkin last winter. He would like to find someone to add some new elements to the offense but what he said publicly is what he believes…the system isn’t an issue.

    He’s been publicly linked to multiple offensive coordinators such as TCU’s Garrett Riley and Washington’s Ryan Grubb. We’ve confirmed that both have signed extensions and it’s already been released that A&M has been generally offering deals in the range of $2 million annually over a three year period.

    But nonetheless, the basic system isn’t going to change. It might be tweaked but it’s going to have to be in ways that Fisher as the head coach signs off on. It’s been a successful system in the past.

    Moreover, Fisher is going to be allowed to hire who he wants without interference from anyone above him. It’s written into Fisher’s contract that he recommends people for positions on his staff and that the people ostensibly above him have to sign off on them. Remember, when A&M head coaches have made coordinator changes in the past, they’ve brought on people they liked and they’ve been responsible for the hire, not anyone else.

    You’re going to continue to see leaks about names but in the end Fisher will be the one making the hire and he’s the one running the process. There are people who want A&M to radically change things up on that side of the but those people aren’t going to be able to influence things (which is why you see names floated publicly).

    There’s concerns about A&M’s involvement in the NCAA transfer portal (or lack thereof) but the Aggies’ number one priority coming into the off season was to hold onto the 2022 recruiting class. That’s because A&M reasoned that they weren’t going to find the same caliber of prospects in the portal that they already had on campus…and when we say A&M, we mean everyone involved in the program (coaches, administrators, donors, etc.).

    So far, they’ve been able to do that with key pieces such as quarterback Conner Weigman, receiver Evan Stewart, and now edge rusher Enai White (who posted something on social media this weekend that was cryptic but nonetheless was a public proclamation that he was remaining in College Station).

    There’s only so many four and five star rated players that are going to be entering the portal and it's going to be hard to find better players in it than what they already have in the program. These are the guys that are projected by everyone involved in the program to be playing in 2023 and beyond.

    A&M does need to add numbers but there’s going to be prospects in search of early playing time that leave after the bowl games. The trick is going to be convincing them that they’re going to play despite the publicity afforded the 2022 recruiting class and the fact that the 2022 class is already projected to be filling so many spots in the starting lineup.

    Finally, Merry Christmas and be safe out there. Take care and God bless all of you.
















    And in another thread, Tarp made this prediction:





    Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

  12. 44 minutes ago, royiv said:

    The "cut the number of bowl games in half" is a bad, tired hot take. Who cares how many fans are in the stands? There's football on during the holiday season. Do you hate watching football on TV? I don't. It was 20 degrees outside today. What the hell else would I be doing?

    I don't enjoy watching bad football on TV.  And there's plenty of stuff to do when it's 20 degrees outside.

    26 minutes ago, jw4381 said:

    And…it was a tie game in the 4th quarter. I had fun watching it. 

    There were less than 40 points to scored by teams with a combined 13-11 record entering the game.  There was nothing fun about that game unless you had money on it.

    21 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    Amen.  I would never watch Wake/Mizzou regular season, but it’s CFB in December.  So I watched most of it.  If they are breaking even, let ‘em play.

    Participation trophies for all!

    8 minutes ago, Enemy07 said:

    Same. Was a little drunk but these early bowl games are building up to the bigger later games and will be all we have left of college football for an eternity (exaggeration). Drinking, posting here, and having Nichole laugh at me make it more enjoyable.

    Mediocre directional schools playing small private or commuter schools in what amounts to cripple fights isn't much of a build up.


    But point made...to each there own.  The more I think about it, the more I think these games exist for the gambling community.

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  13. We've had a bunch of treats delivered by neighbors, co-workers, etc.

    We offer the kids some Godiva chocolate truffles after lunch, but we tell the 6 year old he has to finish his meal first. He's the slowest eater ever, so like 20 min later he pushes the plate forward and says "now can I have some of that vagina chocolate?"

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  14. 10 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    Lil’ Brown’s Girl Scout troop had a holiday party last weekend. One mom ran a Xmas-Hanukkah trivia game.

    When it was my little heathen’s turn the question was “where was Jesus born?”

    Lil’ Brown answered “Austin, Texas”.

    No son. Jesus wasn't born in Austin. He only played football here from 2003-2005.

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  15. On 12/22/2022 at 6:00 PM, CheesePie said:

    I’d wait until day of game to purchase through Stubhub. Prices will drop 30-40%

    They sure as hell didn't come down for the game this week.  I don't have LHN so couldn't see how many butts were in seats.

  16. My memories of the Independence Bowl is a fairly well attended bowl featuring a couple of 8-4 or 7-5 type teams.  Weather can be iffy, but the game is usually entertaining.


    These teams are shit. There's a team from Lousiana and Houston, which isn't that far away, and there may be 5,000 people there. The teams are 6-6 and 7-5, and only because they play in dogs shit conferences.  Just terrible football.

    We really need to cut the number of bowl games in half.

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