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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Checkout outdoorsy.com. Rent an RV and take them wherever you want.
  2. Fair then. Maybe political climate got my hackles up. But I think we can all agree that signing your name is stupid. Mea Culpa.
  3. Negged because that’s racist as fuck and signing your username is fucking stupid
  4. Not sure and won’t look it up either. But if all it took was a couple weeks of camp to somehow fuck it all up, I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit on what is pure conjecture.
  5. Or maybe the Samples family is fucking huge in Duncanville and Jr. has shown his chops as a recruiter. Take the tinfoil hat off. It’s not a knock against Samples Jr., but he needs to show at least some experience before becoming an assistant coach at Texas. I fucking hope he develops the shit out of the wr group at SMU. If he comes back it will be a home run hire.
  6. In Carl’s defense, he did say that Carrington was going to lock up the RB situation first. Then Hand.
  7. “Worthless sack of shit” is the terminology you’re looking for. Just wait until he wows us all again with his take on rugby players transitioning to football.
  8. This whole thought train is the utter definition of “rent-free”.
  9. Chelsea is lucky they’re not down to 9. Surprised there wasn’t a red shown for shoving past the ref
  10. Daddy98 types like he’s talking with a mouthful of peanut butter.
  11. I can’t think of a situation where recruits with a super-helicopter parent has ever worked out well. This wreaks of transfer after James get buried on the depth chart and Tommy realizes he won’t be a day 1 starter. Given Alabama’s depth chart, who they have committed now, and Blake doing Blake things, this has the beginnings of the perfect storm of “what could have been”.
  12. I can picture it now. Looch sitting at his typewriter - sweaty and covered in chicken grease. “It took a global pandemic to keep the Aggy from quite possibly winning a natty - by themselves. The Covid meant that Aggy had to play only SEC, SEC, SEC opponents due to travel to the Mecca of college football being restricted. Since SEC, SEC, SEC teams only played SEC, SEC, SEC teams - we’re going to go ahead and add this one to wall. Fire up the engraving tool Jim John. Jimbo brought home a title.”
  13. I’m still waiting for him and CTJ to accept my challenge.
  14. Will you also ask him why he’s leaving the program?
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