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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Best case scenario is that we win 9-10 games this year. If we win 9-10 games, that means we have a somewhat competent offense. If guys like LJH and CJ have big years then it makes Meh look like a decent (LOL) coach in the process and a couple years under his belt at Texas. That could go one of two ways. Either Meh finally figured shit out (doubtful) and should be kept on (HA!) or he's given a shot at middling level school (La Tech, Marshall, along those lines) to be a co-oc and we just don't renew his contract. Hopefully option 2 happens so all the bitching, hand wringing, and fashion comments about Meh can finally stop polluting the recruiting board.
  2. For those interested, Tufono is announcing at 2pm CST. Something, something....Strong Polynesian Time.
  3. I've actually had enough alcohol today to really go in dry on Hamm, Daddy98, and the rest of those fucks. Daddy98 in particular has really said some shit lately that is just factually false and figuratively pisses me off. I'm going to keep drinking and just put it on paper how factually wrong those fuckstains are about everything.
  4. Anyone sleeping on Sargent is going to get a wake up call. Kid is the truth. I get the hype behind Weah because of his dad but Sargent puts up numbers wherever he goes.
  5. Not so much lately. I think Derka is into Pilates these days.
  6. You never said you were living next to Johnny football’s trap house.
  7. The best player in the history of aggy just got bent over the bench next to the dead body of a homeless man. Usually you have to pay to get fucked this hard. Who’s going to post his stat line to texags?
  8. I’ve got an oakley kitchen sink that hasn’t failed me once in 10 years. Will trade for a gold jacket.
  9. And I will give $200 if you make damn sure Future man never posts again.
  10. Mrs.’s FromTheMailRoom (no pics) is a badass and wanted to get her something from the girls and I. Bonus points and a 750 of balcones if they can track down a Baume et Mercier club Indian as well.
  11. OUTLETS?!? Come on man, you’re better than this. On a more serious note, things are finally chill at the house. I’ll shoot you an email so we can find a time to connect next week.
  12. I know you’re sick of hearing T&P Zep, but we’ll keep on with it. It’s hard to understand when shit like this happens, just don’t do anything that will exacerbate things. Gil is right. Don’t do anything silly. As much as it fucking sucks you really need to take a breath and wait it out.
  13. Title IX violation or not, the optics are not very good for Ohio state athletics right now. I’m not a legal expert but unless he had a similar clause in his contract at the time of the incidents, I don’t think that it’s enforcable. What matters in this case is the public opinion. The ultimate question is does Ohio State do the right thing and clean house? Because I don’t think there’s an arbitrator out there that will side with Meyer should the university invoke the fired with cause clause in his current deal. This schadenfreude has absolutely tarnished the image of the university which I’m sure is grounds for termination. Fuck Zach smith. Fuck Urban Meyer. Fuck Kevin Morgan. And most of all Fuck Chip Brown.
  14. This thread has kept me out of the recruiting threads. Thank you everyone.
  15. You forgot the video that was released today basically confirming his asshole-ness.
  16. I don’t think it’s a matter of “if” Urbs gets fired, it’s more of a “when” at this point. The only arguing done will be done in a court of arbitration over the “fire with cause” part of his contract. You just don’t come back after a thing like this. And... undefeated.
  17. I personally like their tartare, sprouts, and always seemed to make a good manhattan.
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