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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. We had Romberg for our OB-GYN. Nice guy, extremely honest, and was on top of things when my wife started struggling with delivery. He doesn't do anything without reason, I.E. breaking water early, using forceps unless absolutely necessary, etc. And definitely go to Costco for batteries. One of the few things that make sense to buy in bulk. Thirded. I bitched up and down when my wife told me she was buying a $200 on what I thought was a glorified foam pad. Safe to say I ate crow on that one.
  2. Kate facts + cat facts = rep. Well played.
  3. These posts are way to coherent to be Danger Snax’s sock.
  4. Clearly, it’s their mental aptitude. Or maybe they don’t have the grades for Texas and had to settle for going to aggy.
  5. 100% agree. That's why my comments were about technique. He's got the build and athleticism of a top 5 draft pick at LT.
  6. He needs to deepen his kick and make his punch more direct. It'll help him square up the rusher and keep him from the impending holding penalty that an edge rusher with good hands will draw if he doesn't fix that.
  7. You swaddling with sleep sacks? Been working like a charm for us. She's only three days old and we have to wake her up to eat.
  8. Only way we survived was an amazing hospital staff at Baylor Scott and White in Lakeway. Beautiful facility with giant rooms, great staff, and minimal - I guess occupancy? We were 1 of two families on the entire floor. They only deliver 16 babies a month there. The nurses would come pick Sophia up for 2-3 hours at a time just because. I highly recommend it for any family that’s expecting. As a caveat, the dad’s “bed” in the rooms was horribad. Only downside.
  9. It was tough sledding (28+ hours), but Mrs.’s FromTheMailRoom and I welcomed baby Sophia to fam. Mom and baby are both happy and healthy - and I’m already completely wrapped around her finger. Retirement is for pussies.
  10. Would he be interested in getting prints made? This a really fucking cool shot and I’d like one for my office.
  11. 50% of realistically could. It wouldn’t be a good look to keep them around the conference considering not only are they hiding rape, but doing it in the most racist way possible, while claiming to be a Christian school. But hey, what the fuck do I know? I haven’t slept in 3 days thanks to having a newborn and I’m sleeep deprived enough to find future man funny.
  12. If he has an all conference type season, we will win the big 12. Fuck the haters and fuck OU.
  13. Werner scores, but he looks out of place in Low's system. And they do have a striker, Low just left him at home.
  14. Which is why my Muller needs to come in. With the play settling into the Korean box, Muller's poaching ability needs to be on the field.
  15. Germany will score. Korea is gassed and just sitting in their own end. The Muller for Ozil change needs to happen now.
  16. Mexico is going to get carded for these elbows at some point. The swiss assistant just told the sub to watch it.
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