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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Your wife seems like she’s pretty mean spirited.
  2. I'm sure she'd be proud of him enrolling in the "Science, Technology, and Society" program that definitely doesn't seem like a bullshit major.
  3. Sounds like he's dealing with a mental health thing, which if true is great that he's worrying about that first instead of football.
  4. I’ve banged lots of slots. Like your mom’s.
  5. Elbow/arm slot are a little low as well. Fixing those things takes an average arm and makes it a decent arm.
  6. I think smith has a little Christian McCaffrey in him. A little smaller at this point, but his ability to stick his foot in the ground and run nice routes is very Shipley-esque. What’s going to make him fucking lethal is that ability to come out of that cut and switch from 1st to 2nd gear in heartbeat. Hook’em Jake.
  7. Pretty much what I was going for. I don’t want to put any effort into drawing attention to your shtick.
  8. I really wish you’d do the same thing your mom did and overdose on meth. It would save the rest of us a lot of extra seconds of having to read your retarded and unfunny attempts at being a thread troll.
  9. Camp talk is stupid. It’s what he does on campus they do on campus that truly matters. Rojo is the perfect Herman qb and will win a title at Texas. If I’m wrong, I’ll sleep with @South Austin‘s mom.
  10. Bitch, the only thing the aggy offense is lighting on fire is the dumpster.
  11. Oddly enough, Jimbo’s plodding, shitty offense might hide some of their deficiencies. Can’t tell how bad they are when it’s three and out every drive - and they’re trying to figure who’s fault it is.
  12. The station will be even more lit with Karen there.
  13. Taking Mrs.'s FromTheMailRoom to Bermuda in the early part of next year and I've never been before. Is Bermuda the type of place you go all inclusive or do you just stay at a nice hotel and eat around town? What activities and activity companies are worth a damn there?
  14. If anything it sounds like the GF could turn this on the son. He seems to be the idiot doing all the talking.
  15. Daddy98 sure talks a big game for being a farmers agent. https://agents.farmers.com/tx/houston/paul-pesek
  16. He's keeping his subscriber base so tied in to aggy recruiting, that the subscribers are starting to inform him of news. Best. In. The. Business. @6FigsHandler This is only slightly embarrassing.
  17. The next time I’m out on the town I owe you beers. Bring your giant mom.
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