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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Jesus fucking christ. You follow me around like a lost puppy. Clearly, you have nothing better to do with your life. Are you fucking autistic or something?
  2. Some of y’all need to nut the fuck up and start acting like we’re the University of Texas.
  3. This is one schtick I can get behind. +rep for orginality. You’re going to make some man very happy one day. If you drink bourbon, make pancakes, and remember to record the right programming... fuck. Just don’t let any depraved idiot from this board try to slide into your inbox. And don’t let them message you either.
  4. The old “Alex Jones” strategy. Except I think Hamm is a bigger dickhead.
  5. Something just needs to be done. It doesn't need to be perfect. Not everyone needs to be happy. But something needs to be done.
  6. The sad thing is, it's being used as an easy out to side step the issue. There's simple no need for high capacity magazines to be owned by civilians. Period. That's an inarguable point. Kids lives are more important than the inconvenience of having to load your gun twice instead of once. That argument is stupid.
  7. Not being able to define the source of the issue is the ultimate issue. Can't solve the problem if you can't define what the problem is. He never tried too.
  8. Because they'll be running for their life behind that offense line.
  9. There was some fucking mouth-breathing, sister-fucking, twat of an OU fan on here the other day making it sound like Kendall was better than Murray anyhow.
  10. It was his ex-wife that did all the fucking.
  11. For those of us that don't give two shits about FSU recruiting, please feel free to bring us to speed.
  12. But a dog is the First Lady of A&M
  13. So PETA sued A&M for animal abuse associated with experimentation on animals by deliberately giving them muscular dystrophy. Mainly on dogs. My question is, does this qualify as domestic violence?
  14. I laughed for a good five minutes solid when he said that. Might have been the best line of the entire series.
  15. Same. Crossing my fingers but know it will most likely not happen.
  16. Jontue Fears-Hayes RB/LB that went to play at Baylor was truly frightening to play against. Had never seen someone his size move the way he did.
  17. Sounds like you're conceding Smith to Texas.
  18. Sure. Call me arrogant. Everything about the state of Texas is superior to the dumpster fire of Oklahoma. So if that's the basis of your argument, I'm glad to be arrogant as fuck. Nobody gives a shit how you feel. Especially not here.
  19. You're confusing arrogance with confidence. Which isn't surprising because 99% of you fuckers don't have a simpleton's grasp of the english language. I for one, can't wait for you to get your shine box out bitch. OU sucks and they suck this dick.
  20. Nah playa. That’s not how this is gonna shake out. Congrats on showing up on this board and showing your ass. You have strange habit of giving completely qualitative and not quantitative reasoning to anything you’re saying. Our “meh” offense will hang 40 on you this year and we’re going in raw and dry on Kyler. Prepare your butt bitch. It’s going to look like a baseball mitt when we’re done.
  21. You don’t care that he played like shit as qb1? You definitely went to ou. Fuck, you probably went to grad school there. Its going to be really sweet when we wipe our nuts on you this year in Dallas.
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