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  1. First, we're going to need Nicole to stop killing so many people. Or, at least, dump the bodies in the ever-present freshly poured concrete foundations of newly constructed mixed-use buildings, rather than Town Lake.
  2. Good thing we don't use enough rail in the US to ever fall under such an attack. We're thinking 3 steps ahead of those terrorist bastages!
  3. Just got tickets to see it Sunday night, I am so excite.
  4. Oh yeah, I'm not talkin about the operation that they chose to warn them about to shut down. I'm just referring to the idea that our reps were "unnerved" by Ukraine attacking the bridge and making attempts to liberate occupied Crimea. What a bunch of pansies. If that's "unnerving" to them, then they're really gonna lose their shit when Ukraine succeeds in blowing that bridge off the face of the planet. I'm hopeful @atomheartbevo's assessment is correct and that this was the feeling from before we knew that putin's redlines are not real. But given how generally wimpy our approach has been to this whole thing, I have my doubts.
  5. From the article above-- if these actions are bothering US politicians and diplomats, they better get used to the idea of a lot more. That bridge is eventually coming down one way or another. Ukraine will do it completely without our involvement as they've already proven. The idea that our pansy-ass diplomats are bothered by this is infuriating, and frustrating.
  6. Or worse yet, fills up at that stupid salad bar beforehand. Salad is what food eats.
  7. I always put it this way-- a packer trimmed brisket is the perfect combination of fat, connective tissue, and lean meat. It cooks so beautifully and tastes so great, because it is self-contained. Making any changes to the composition or dimensions of that perfect package, alters the cooking chemistry, resulting in a more volatile cooking process and a less consistent final product. I'm not saying that splitting up a brisket can't be done, I've seen folks do all kinds of things to attempt to approximate a full packer cook, with an oddly trimmed or split-up source. Some of the results are really good, but in general they are sub-optimal. Just my take after cooking a bazillion briskets and trying to help others do the same.
  8. This is from yesterday. That SOB @phdhorn did it again!
  9. I've been to lots of games at Kyle Field. I've seen several more Texas wins than losses there, and it's a great time walking out of there with a Longhorn victory, while they're hanging their heads in shame.
  10. Negged. Maybe we need a Central Texas specific rain thread, and then a rain thread for all the other schlubs, so that I don't ever have to read such blasphemy again.
  11. Always have to buy the insurance or make sure the stay is easily cancellable if you're headed anywhere in the Caribbean during hurricane season.
  12. It's definitely, extremely rare. We had decent rains in July 2016, although the real heavy rains that increased the lake by over 30 feet fell the month before, in June. We also saw heavy rainfall and flooding in July in 2007, I remember that one quite well as it closed down the lakes for periods of time from high bacteria levels. The one I remember before that was June/July 1997 because it also closed down Lake Travis and Lake Austin for several weeks. At the time my boat was trailered so we went out to Buchanan for much of that summer. Apparently we also had quite a bit of water in July 2002, I don't really remember that one for some reason. Anyway if you're interested in historical lake levels by year and by month, this site has it: https://www.golaketravis.com/waterlevel/
  13. Thanks. I don't know anything about fine dining in Waco, just wondering. Have you ever tried a place called Pignetti's? A good friend of mine is one of the owners and operators, he's got a couple decades in the restaurant business in Austin, and a few years back decided to move to Waco to open a new concept. (apologies for the hijack, San Antonio thread)
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