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Posts posted by HRSchenker

  1. Something similar happened to me as well. Thanks a lot to the state of Texas and making it illegal for hospitals to hire physicians, I got 5 different bills for an ER visit. They sent one bill to the wrong address and put it into collections. I contacted the company and told them I would only pay what was originally owed and no fees for late/no payment. They agreed and $500 later I got it off my report.

  2. On 12/15/2018 at 4:21 PM, AngryDragon said:

    Clearly, you do not watch Rangers games. The Ranger fan base is still trying to recover from the case of Rhaids in that short stint as our PBP announcer. 

    "It's a caught!"

    "Saddle up baseball, you're going for a ride!" - home run call. Usually came a minute or so after the ball cleared the fence because he had no idea to gauge distances.

    Every ball hit into the outfield was sliced.

    "It's time to play ball ya'll."

    I can't listen to him on the ticket because it gives me PTSD.


    I still get PTSD when I hear him on the radio. I was already pissed that Josh Lewin's contract wasn't renewed and the first game without him was the debut of that god awful line "saddle up baseball you're going for a ride". 

    • Like 1
  3. Finally tried Panther City BBQ, not too bad! Haven't been to this area since Heim was at the trailer and wow it's changed so much. Brisket was a bit average, turkey was moist and delicious, pulled pork great, pork belly burnt ends great, and the beef rib was awesome. Mac and cheese was super, silky, creamy, and sexy. What a great departure from the trend of overwhelming that side with pepper. One thing that really stuck out to me was ordering the beef rib. The only time I've ever had anything resembling a confrontation at a restaurant was at Heim when the cashier and I got into an argument about what an "end cut beef rib" was. They tried to tell me that all beef ribs are end cuts and that wasn't what I was wanting. I wanted a beef rib that was on the end so one side is exposed meat and the other is charred/unexposed. I thought it was simple to get but they were really combative. Cut to Panther City and I asked for the smallest beef rib they had and the guy at the front said "I'll get you an end cut beef rib". Couldn't be happier with that interaction lol

  4. I had to do that once and my lawyer instructed me to only answer the question they ask and do so at a basic level.

    • What is your name?
    • John
    • John......okay?
    • Yes.
    • John what?
    • I don't understand the question.
    • What is your last name?
    • Doe.
    • Where do you work?
    • I work at a business.
    • What do you mean?
    • I don't understand the question

    Felt like an asshole but my lawyer told me that they are not my friend and to look at them as if they were ISIS.

    • Like 2
  5. 23 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    agree. My HOA is actually pretty good. If anything, they don't enforce the rules we do have enough.


    Although, the neon is a bit much. As mentioned above, a pellet gun would solve that problem. So would a lawsuit.

    My HOA is the same way. The only rule they've notified me about is having my trash can out....on trash day. I think it was the inspector's first day on the job. Next home we move to hopefully won't be in an HOA. I just want to be able to live without the fear of this group fining me for insignificant things.

  6. Some lines that stick out to me

    • Washington State -3 vs Iowa State
    • Not posted yet but I would love to see the O/U for Oklahoma State vs Missouri
    • UCF +6 vs LSU
    • Oregon -1.5 vs Michigan State
    • West Virginia -7 vs Syracuse
  7. I'll have to read the final language of the changes but if the proposed rule wasn't changed in any way then isn't this a de facto gun ban? From the proposed rule language


    Finally, the Department proposes to clarify that the definition of a “machinegun” includes a device that allows semiautomatic firearms to shoot more than one shot with a single pull of the trigger by harnessing the recoil energy of the semiautomatic firearm to which it is affixed so that the trigger resets and continues firing without additional physical manipulation of the trigger by the shooter (commonly known as bump-stock-type devices).

    All you really need to mimic the effect of a bump stock is something that you can tie around your body that loops in front of the trigger. Am I in possession of a machine gun if I have a rope with me? Or is it only a machine gun if I have a rope with the firearm?

  8. 18 minutes ago, Drew said:

    The true unpopular opinion on this site is saying The Last Jedi was actually pretty good, and definitely not among the worst films in the franchise.  Also, who the fuck think Luke was the villain?  That should be the unpopular take.

    I'll explain myself. Films 4, 5, and 6 pretty much show how virtuous Luke is as a Jedi. His father spent his entire childhood in training by the best Jedis in the galaxy but still succumbed to the dark side. Remember that Darth Vader was so feared by people that even his name alone was enough to bring terror into the minds of people. But Luke was seemingly immune from that. He spends considerably less time training, opting to learn from Obi Wan and Yoda in a shorter period of time. In Empire Strikes Back when given the opportunity to join the dark side or fall to his death he chose the latter. He then spends the next film trying to get his father to leave the dark side, going so far as to refusing to fight him when it meant certain death in front of the emperor. But during TLJ they tried to convince us that Luke was so afraid of Kylo Ren that he tried to kill him in his sleep. That's not the Luke Skywalker we know from the other films. This is an entirely different person. That is not the Luke Skywalker who walked side by side with Darth Vader telling him "I'm not going to fight you". 

    /nerd alert. Hopefully all of that doesn't make me sound like this guy

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Horny04 said:
    2 minutes ago, HRSchenker said:
    Chris Del Conte just called out this motherfucker on Twitter. What I hated more than anything was the entitled senior who wanted to get a better seat yet didn't give a fuck about the game on the field. Now that psycho fans like myself get a real shot at good seats, this bitch has a problem with that.

    I don't get it. What happened? If you don't show up early enough you can't get your seat now as a student?

    First come, first serve. No more reserved seats.

    • Like 1
  10. Definitely depends on the spread. I work 4x10s and love it. 5x8s is a unicorn job for most people in the medical field. Some places like CVS make their pharmacists work 2x14s with some 6 hour shifts mixed in but it's not enough to get a 3 or 4 day weekend.

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