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Posts posted by HRSchenker

  1. My grandpa and father are both Masons. I just didn't have any interest in it because none of the local lodge members were close to my age. Although I did enjoy picking up on the little secret code phrases they would use.

  2. I don't know what's worse: an HOA or the neighbors who treat the HOA like their private security team. I had a police officer come over to my house because a neighbor complained about a noisy dog. I don't have a dog and he eventually went away but I thought man who would call the police on a loud dog instead of going to the neighbor and talking to them about it?

  3. On 3/14/2019 at 1:49 PM, Vic Mackey said:

    Who all is going to Opening Day? I will be out there for my 4th in a row tailgating with a buddy and a few others. Always a great time, no matter how good or bad they are. Nothing like opening day.

    This will be number 5 for me! Where do you tailgate at? For the longest time we were in Lot B directly south of the stadium but the new ballpark construction made us move over to Lot C. I think this year my dad and I are going to try and find a spot in Lot 4 of the Cowboys parking lot near that river running west. I think it's a cash lot? Well I hope because we don't have a parking ticket this year

  4. I can't stand going to fast food restaurants or really any kind of drive thru where you have to talk into a speaker for this one trivial reason

    Me: I'll have a whataburger with cheese, small fries, and that's it.

    Them: Okay anything else?

    Me: That's it.

    I told you that I don't want anything else so why are you asking me? I could understand if they were trying to upsell me another menu item but that never happens.

  5. If Sam benefits from the UT brand then so does Turner Symonds and DeGabriel Floyd. What will those 2 get paid to play an amateur sport on a voluntary basis? Certainly not less than Sam. That wouldn't make sense.

  6. Chuck just lost his OC to McNeese State and Kerwin Bell is set to take his place. Hard to imagine you would go from head coach of the D2 national champion to OC of USF if you didn't get the feeling that the HC of your new team may not be there in 2020.

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  7. Does anybody else think that today's rap and hip hop all sounds the same? All of these new artists have the same dumb ass flow. It's hard to describe without linking to videos. Here's the worst of them, it's this "BUH da! BUH da! BUH da!" cadence at 0:35

    And for the longest time everyone was doing this "buhbuhda buhbuhda buhbuha buh" cadence at 0:38


  8. Some takeaways from that tweet

    • Those field level suites will probably be empty most of the year or filled with people disinterested in the game. The days of seeing your average fan on TV are probably over. "The gang goes corporate"
    • Netting that covers nearly the entire foul line? Holy shit.
    • The exterior area that is heavy in metal and brick reminds me a lot of the White Sox spring training stadium and that place is so goddamn hot that even shaded seating is brutal. I can't imagine that area being a hang out spot for fans especially when June begins through mid September
  9. 15 hours ago, Larry T. Spider said:


    You have to teach 23 years in Austin isd before getting to a starting teacher salary in Mansfield. This is why I’m saying that fixing the school finance system is more important than the raise. The 5k raise should happen but not as a coverup for the major issues out there that need to be addressed. AISD is paying around 600 million into recapture this year. That is projected to grow to 700 million in the near future. Those teachers with that 5k raise might need electricity and running water to do their jobs...

    Wow those teachers are making bank! I think DISD is the same way. My sister in law is a teacher in the Edmond, OK school district and you have to have 27 years under your belt before you get paid the same as a brand new teacher here in the area.

  10. I'm so pumped for Opening Day. Going to be very bittersweet since this is the last one. The prices I've seen for my current seats in the new ballpark are probably going to be too much for me to continue full season. I may have to cut down to half season or just cut them out all together.

    On 3/3/2019 at 8:58 PM, futureman said:

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Derek Holland had a lights out start to the season in 2017 when he left Texas. Opposing batting average of .227, averaging 8 Ks per 9, ERA of 2.3, but then went 3-10 and had his ERA balloon up to 6. Perez will probably end up the same way.

  11. Dallas politics is a nightmare. We have a candidate for Mayor taking $1k donations from kids in elementary school and now a city councilman has a warrant out because he was filming a gay porno movie in a parking garage or something?

  12. One of the most disturbing parts of the Sun Sentinel report is that police are clearing the third floor and finding bodies while the shooter is hanging out at McDonalds. How on earth those resource officers, county officers, and sheriffs are not in prison right now is beyond my comprehension. What is the purpose of having police officers roam the hallway of our schools if they are going to hide behind a wall for 15 minutes while kids are being killed?

  13. 6 hours ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    I'm not crying for him, just noting he was going with the flow in an area where if you don't go with the flow you can end up on the shoulder of the road or worse thanks to real assholes on the road who think they are Daytona 500 drivers. 

    The kid went up to the JP's office upon their advice a couple of weeks ago when he a day off from school  on his own and when he got their they kindly told him his ticket was not in the system.  Something they could have  told him over the phone and saved him a two hour trip.  He's 18 and a Senior in high school, so if we have to make a return trip he will have to miss school.  

    Why can't he just do deferred adjudication? Go watch a defensive driving video shot during the Bill Clinton administration and get it over with. That ticket is going to cost him a shitload in insurance rate hikes

  14. Love the YETI brand but competitors are kicking their ass. I can order wholesale vacuum sealed mugs for $2-3 for a campus group, slap the Longhorn logo on them, and make a shitload of money by undercutting their 2000% markup.

  15. At the risk of sounding like Dan Patrick, why shouldn't men play men and women play women? That's fine if you believe that gender doesn't matter and that we're all equal in every shape and form. But when I think of men's and women's tennis being pushed together in one category all I can think of is James Brown singing "this is a maaan's world". I've never understood why some find it offensive for someone to say that men and women are different. 

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