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Posts posted by HRSchenker

  1. On 2/6/2019 at 8:29 AM, Steamboat1874 said:

    Who the fuck changes their own tire anymore...?

    Fuck that shit.

    I just call roadside service and watch.

    I've only changed a tire once and it was on the shoulder of I-35 a few years ago. Our insurance's roadside service said they would come in 3 hours. Called the phone number on the back of my driver license and they said they don't change tires. Fuck it! Changed it right there.

  2. Ally is a great bank. I've used them for the last 5 years with absolutely zero complaints. One thing I really like about them is that they have a security procedure I've never seen at any other bank. They give you the option to create your own security question and answer. None of this "mothers maiden name" or "childhood pet" stuff. You can literally have them ask you any question you want. For the longest time my security question was "What year was your mother born?" and my answer was "None of your goddamn business". Unless you saw me type that in or they had a data breach, that's almost a bulletproof security feature.

    Now back to the bank itself. I have their online money market account with 2.20% interest and I am limited to 6 transactions every billing cycle. If I go over 6 then I have to pay $10 per transaction AND if I do that on a regular basis then Ally is supposed to close my account. Honestly you should probably look into putting your money in the Vanguard Prime Money Market fund. Last I checked it was at 2.52%. That's better than Ally's money market fund and a hell of a lot better than what a regular bank is going to pay you.

  3. Insurance companies suck. I was working last Friday at a store in north Dallas and I got a prescription for a brand name only anti-seizure med. Cost the pharmacy $810 for 90 day supply and the PBM reimbursed $630 so nearly a $200 net loss. I reverse the claim and switch to a 30 day supply and they paid $269.50 for the one bottle that costs $270. Net loss of 50 cents. The patients copay for the 30 day AND the 90 day prescription were both $20. This is nothing more than an incentive to drive business away from the retail side and have them use the insurance owned mail order pharmacy. The patient isn't going to pay 2 extra copays when they could just pay one and I'm sure as hell not going to take a $200 loss on one prescription. These fuckers are like the mafia. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Llano Estacado said:

    Another affect of social media / selfie-culture on ecotourism.

    Falling deaths are increasing, vandalism is increasing, volume of visitors is increasing - destroying the things people want to enjoy.


    Last September I went to Alaska with my wife and she made me stop halfway on a pull bridge to take a damn selfie. We're 500 feet above roaring rapids and rocks not to mention I have a big fear of heights. She's gonna get me killed one day.


  5. 6 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Counterpoint.  My visit to doc in the box offered the same things, including x-rays and a $70 sling, for a total cost of $220.

    Jimmy, was your event at an "emergency room" or a doc in the box?  I kind of assume they are mostly intetchangeable, but maybe not.  By "emergency room" I mean one unattached to a hospital?

    They are definitely not interchangeable. Insurance companies do not differentiate between standalone emergency rooms and ones attached to a giant hospital. Doc in the box = urgent care = billed as if you were seeing your primary care physician. 

  6. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm working on it.  My opening salvo was "I'm not paying you more than $5 for a Benadryl".  They didn't bite on that.

    Seriously, they can wreck my credit, I don't care.  I'm not paying $3,000 for a pill.

    Just to play Devil's advocate, you didn't pay $3,000 for a Benadryl pill. You paid it for immediate access to an emergency room that is staffed with a board certified physician, tools and equipment that an ER has unlike most urgent cares, and for the physicians knowledge and time spent with you. Or at least that's how it is explained to me by physicians and people who operate these facilities. "You thought you had an emergency, we treated you, and we billed you for it" is a quote I remember hearing on a local story here in Dallas.

    But I will tell you this, it is total bullshit that an ER visit can result in 6 or 7 different bills. The only reason it's like that is because Texas law prohibits hospitals from hiring physicians and they have outside companies run their in-house lab room.

  7. Documentary category is really interesting. Surprised at the snub for the Mr Rogers doc, I thought it was a great watch but I can see why film snobs didn't vote for it. I've heard a lot of great things about Minding The Gap and Free Solo, the latter I'm going to try and see this weekend. Hale County I can't find anywhere online and Of Fathers And Sons I don't want to see because these last few years have burned me out on ISIS documentaries. I'm just glad Shirkers wasn't nominated. Wow it was boring as fuck

  8. Honestly I'm bummed about the new stadium. I'm one of those people who think that baseball should be played outdoors and the Texas heat isn't really a factor in my opinion. Those hot day games are usually weekend games that sell out anyway or are midweek day games because the team is traveling to the west coast. I really enjoy the April and May months at the ballpark. There's nothing like it. Even the rain delays are something special. I haven't been invited to pick my seats for 2020 but I'm expecting prices to double. It will probably price me out which sucks because I got my seats at the ballpark thinking that I would have them for the next 30-40 years. After all, the ballpark is barely 25 years old and the team has a firm commitment to the city of Arlington. They wouldn't build a new stadium next door and have Arlington taxpayers pay for it right?

    This might sound bad but I don't like the idea of sporting events being more family friendly. You squeeze out the diehards like me who come to the game win or lose and you go all-in on families who are more likely to stay home if the team isn't doing well. I remember growing up it wasn't uncommon for my dad and I to go to a game by ourselves but bringing my mom and siblings? That almost never happened. If the team wasn't winning they would just whine and complain all game long.

    • Like 1
  9. One time I had to take a shit while I was shopping at Kroger and the men's restroom was locked. Walked into the women's bathroom and the only available toilet seat had period blood all over it. I had to run across the street to Whataburger otherwise I was gonna shit my pants. The point being: men's restrooms are better than the alternative

  10. On 1/15/2019 at 10:52 PM, XYZ said:

    What do you do for a living now?

    I'm a nursing home consultant and I do independent pharmacy on the side. I make sure patients are being given proper therapies and that the facilities are up to standards of the state. It's much more enjoyable than corporate America.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, bluto said:

    I've learned my intel from a pharmacist chick I dated... never got the nerve to ask her "were you not aware of the work conditions when signing up for that career path?" So I'm gonna ask you, wtf were y'all thinking? It's a multi year path, not like getting a real estate license and then realizing it blows. 

    Pharmacy has changed drastically over the last 20 years on many levels.  At the turn of the century you had UT, Houston, TSU, and Texas Tech all with pharmacy programs. Today that total now includes Incarnate Word, North Texas, UT Tyler, UTEP, Texas A&M, and 2 additional Texas Tech campuses. Pharmacy was going through a huge shortage of pharmacists. You could have thrown a dart at the map with your eyes closed and landed on a job. Chains treated you great (well, great compared to how it is today) and jobs were everywhere. I am not kidding when I say that the people who graduated school without a job offer were the students who didn't show up to the yearly job fair. Today the market is flooded with pharmacists. Pharmacies used to be paid fairly until Pharmacy Benefit Managers came along and began to steal money from pharmacies. Chains are cutting benefits and hours, so much that new grads who are lucky to get a job get maxed out at 30 hours a week. 

    Trust me when I tell you that if I had known pharmacy would be what it is today I would have done something else. 

  12. I do not miss corporate pharmacy one bit. I got hired out of school for $130k and usually that fact alone causes people to not show you any sympathy but being a pharmacist is one of the most emotionally draining jobs I've ever worked. You don't get lunch breaks, you don't get bathroom breaks, you're assigned 10-14 hour shifts at a time, corporate measures you at every possible avenue (they grade you on how fast you answer the phone, how fast you answer the doctors line, how long you take to finish a call on the doctors line, how fast you verify prescriptions, how many patients fill out satisfaction surveys, how they grade you, etc), you're understaffed so the expectation is for you to fill 600 prescriptions with 1 technician, and you have to deal with members of the general public who really don't want to be at the pharmacy but they have to because they're either sick or treating a chronic condition. Our benefits are pretty bad too. No sick days and 3 days of flexible PTO. We get 2 weeks of vacation but it has to be used a week at a time from sunday to saturday and scheduled a year in advance. Wanna go see Texas play Iowa State on a Thursday this fall? Hope you scheduled it last year! Not only that, you burn the other days so most of the time you're just sitting around not exactly enjoying your vacation. Hospital pharmacy isn't a walk in the park either. 99% of hospitals won't hire you out of school. They make you do a "residency" which is 1 year of you working at a hospital as a regular pharmacist but you have weekly projects AND did I mention that you get paid $30k a year? Yep if you want to avoid retail pharmacy you are going to take a 6 figure pay cut and then hope to god that another hospital hires you at a salary somewhere in between residency pay and normal pharmacist pay.

    Now that I'm out of that business I feel so much better about myself and life in general. Took a paycut but it was absolutely worth it. 

    • Like 3
  13. How was her position on gay marriage any different from Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton around that time? Correct me if I'm wrong but I remember both of them supporting civil unions rather than "marriage equality" during the 2008 election cycle. 

  14. Thank god I live in an HOA neighborhood run by the home developers. I don't have to worry about a neighbor taking pictures of my house because the grass is 0.1mm too tall but one thing they care about is house appearance. This is how it was explained to me and might help with your understanding of the HOA rule. If an HOA says you can only paint your house black and your current house fades from black to gray, you can't paint your house gray because that's the color in its current form and the HOA has never brought the present color to your attention.

    Either way fuck HOAs. I hope you give them hell.

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