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Everything posted by zork

  1. stream caused me to miss lead off for the horns but a refresh allowed me to watch the double play.
  2. tree up tree down for the horns in the first. /groan /caddyshack irish huir
  3. found it. https://texassports.com/schedule.aspx?path=baseball click watch per game schedule/
  4. nogo on ps-VUE is there a link?
  5. If you apply pressure to the end of the mud knife as you scrape across the tape and beyond, just so, you can smooth it out, gather all the excess mud where very little, if any, sanding is required. Watch the guys that do the volume jobs. You have to watch closely and a long time to see the pressure being applied on one end of the knife or the other depending upon where they are scraping. They are so skilled and have been trained the right way to make it clean, clean, clean. then the texture hides it all with the perpendicular lines added for eye effect. They cover the drywall screws with similar magic. I can't do it like they do and have quit trying unless it is a very small job. I still use to much mud.
  6. 40 minutes till the tree chopping commences.
  7. BTW, what were the TLDR summary of convictions so far for Manafort, and I guess the same for the indictments that Hugo is saying will be decided next week?
  8. Watching the pros skim the mud, apply the tape, skim it again to get the excess, slam the excess into their pan, apply more here, skim it again, slam it again, apply more there, skim it again, slam it again, etc, etc. Fucking magical.
  9. Happy puppy this afternoon picking up his kids:
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=dealing+with+glaucoma&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS773US773&oq=deling+with+gla&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.9871j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Lots to sift through in the link above. I always like to know what I am dealing with or potentially dealing with in ailments. Are there any foods that I should avoid? Are there foods that might help, at all? What is the science on who/what/where/why it happens? It doesn't mean knowing always helps but it can help you mentally accept what it is that might be the case as life happens, especially things beyond your control. If you can accept what you have going on, you can give yourself the best chance to fight it mentally IMHO.
  11. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/politics/shirtless-justin-trudeau-politicians-young-fresh-faced/us-senator-elizabeth-warren-student-month-thesenate-chamber/
  12. https://buildingadvisor.com/materials/exteriors/sheathing-wrap/
  13. If you round China ownership up to $1.25 trillion that is about 5.68% of the just over $22 trillion current total US national debt.
  14. Hmm. This article from fairly recently shows just over $1 trillion($1.18 trillion) owned by the Chinese: "from the U.S. Treasury is as of June 2018". https://www.thebalance.com/who-owns-the-u-s-national-debt-3306124 Edit: those numbers are showing the public owned portion of the debt while the US gov owes itself plenty.(see article linked for more of the breakdown)
  15. Meet General Eisenhower, aka Ike, 'adopted' in the parking lot of the Tractor Supply in Denison Tx during a family camping trip to Eisenhower State Park last Thanksgiving: That was on the way from Tractor Supply back to the campground with a new tire to replace the one that had blown out on the way in to the campsite earlier in the week. Here he is as our first dog. Ike and daughter are in heaven as they meet back at the campsite. Ike possibly feeling a bit awkward after leaving his litter-mates just earlier in the day: This is a few months later, I believe in the 4 month old range, growing up nicely: He, Ike, is a Blue Heeler mix* pup named for the namesake for where we were when we were fortunate enough to add him to our family. *I say mix because we don't know. He appears mostly Blue Heeler but time might tell different as he grows and grows.
  16. make fun of the autistic kid, nice.
  17. zork

    Tax reform

    cut all of it, to the bone. lay off hundreds of thousands of non-essential workers over a 1 year program of 3 month notice of 75% hours, then 3 more months of 50% hours, then layoffs after the 12 month mark. cut all the budgets 5% nominally every other year while holding the budget constant in the odd years. allow 1% back in that odd year to be allocated for the most needed areas. it won't happen. nobody has the will to cut anything. This quoted stuff is just posturing since the Dems hold the house. No cuts will be made, relax.
  18. zork

    UTRGV @ Texas

    Is the shoulder issue with Petrinsky not expected to heal before the season is over?
  19. zork

    Tax reform

    It should have been done under Ryan as SotH. They should have held spending at nominal previous year levels at minimum across the board. Neither or anything really to do with spending cuts were done under Ryan so now it is empty rhetoric with the Dems in charge in the HoR.
  20. He is our first child president. So it is expected. The last three years of his twittering out front should have told ya.
  21. zork

    UTRGV @ Texas

    if so, then that would do it.
  22. zork

    UTRGV @ Texas

    He didn't swing. wtf? Wow. Thanks blue. 🤘
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