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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Yeah, they ain't winning that or Oregon. Throw in Utah and UCLA, too.
  2. If you don't actually care about anything, it's much easier being in the minority. You just bitch about everything and fundraise.
  3. For all of the hype, they might finish 5-7 and none of their wins will be against anyone any good at all.
  4. Best part to me is the girl. She's prolly embarrassed by this and is like "what should I do?" Her football knowledge prolly begins and ends with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.
  5. Uh oh. More Republican on Republican anti Semitism. You hate to see it:
  6. Gym Jordan is such an unlikeable twat that even the Republicans don’t like him.
  7. I guess put this here but can go in any number of threads:
  8. Someting, something, infrastructure, something, something:
  9. Republican on Republican violence. You hate to see it: Glad to see you’re holding up well, all things considered. I love history and politics (unfortunately on that last one) and I will tell you that even I’m surprised at the levels of anti-Semitism in America. I’m not naive, I know it’s always been there but I’m surprised about the level. (Like that dipshit Kanye West.) I thought it was relegated to dark corners of the world and maybe some wing nuts in the US but over the last few years, I’ve learned I was wrong. Just know we’re thinking of you. Let us know if you need anything of just want t
  10. Yeah, but it went without mention during that interview and I've never heard a reporter mention it.
  11. Republicans offer the Democrats nothing: Media: "Why don't the Democrats put partisanship aside and help the Republicans?" Frank Luntz was on CNBC the other day crying into his tampon about how mean the Dems were to McCarthy. Not one mention of how McCarthy used to rent a room from Luntz or a question of why the Republicans don't vote for Jeffries as Speaker.
  12. Question is, what will he want in return? I'd ask for no more shutdowns and stopping the Hunter Biden/impeachment nonsense. He could get that from 20-30 of them and then we could all watch ring wing media burn.
  13. 1. With almost every conspiracy theory, it's only one or two degrees separated from the Jews. 2. These people that really but into these don't understand how random and chaotic the world really is so they default to this unseen hand somewhere controlling everything and it gives them explanations. You can't get 10 people to keep a secret yet millions are in on these conspiracies and haven't said a word. 3. These people also like conspiracy theories because it makes them feel smarter.
  14. Fair point but growing up Baptist, almost every Baptist at this point is 100% on Republican issues but they'll tell you they're single issue. Hey, I'm down. Just remember to put her in the fuck category and not marry or date. Beware of the crazy nookie.
  15. This. There are no real "single issue" voters. They'll tell you that they are but when you get past that single issue, they seem to fall in line with everyone else. Find me a single issue pro life voter who favors rational gun control.
  16. "Behind the Curve" is a documentary from a few years ago about the Flat Earthers. It's not so much about that particular conspiracy theory but about them in general and how people get roped into them and can't leave. Most excellent watch.
  17. Yeah, this. Myself and a few other people on here have mentioned how their MAGA/Q Adjacent relatives are starting to move over to RFK Jr. It's mostly the retired/unemployed people who have a lot of time on their hands and are prone to conspiracies, which is basically the Trump base.
  18. Israel should give them their own state whether they want one or not. (Narrator: they don't.) Build a wall around Gaza. A real one, not like Trump's stupid wall. Make it like the Berlin Wall. No travel back and forth into Israel, maybe just Egypt. Then, let them manage themselves and wash their hands of the whole thing. Running a country is no fun so let them flail away at it. Food shortage? Thought shit. Unemployment? East my ass. Rampant inflation due to currency devaluation? Go fuck yourself.
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