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Posts posted by 52-80

  1. there is a cyclocross specific chainset such as 36/46, but many of them have exact same as a road bike.  like a subcompact (34-50).  which is what ive fitted to mine, so ive got identical gear range across all my bikes.


    on the fit, i dont really agree with it on first purchase.  get a good friend to help you out, or a trustworthy shop to do a rough fit. youre going to go through a learning curve where your flexibility and form will evolve as will your physical preferences.  there will be an experimentation phase where you might play around with the bike dimensions.


    if you pay $200 for a full fit now, as your fitness improves, how they fit you now probably wont be whats best for you 6 months later.  


    where a fit makes sense:  if youve got current or previous injuries, or physical anomalies.


    of course, there are many opinions on this topic.

  2. probably just me but in a car its not obvious whether the temperature gauges are measuring water or oil.  

    also, there is no universal convention for the fuel symbol to indicate which side of the car its on.  on some cars, they use the L vs R positioning of the hose and lever.  on some cars, they use a little triangle/arrow next to the tank.  on some, its just blind guessing


  3. 4 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    one more win by adding Paul George and Carmelo Anthony.  Talk about an impact.  Does PG look like a max player next to Russ?  Only needed the last three days of the season to make the playoffs

    but keep making excuses because he fills up the stat sheet, just not the win column. 

    Good point, you just invented a great metric!

    So when GSW dropped 7 wins year on year, was it because Curry sucks, or Durant sucks?

    If we're going down this road, why is Harden an MVP candidate instead of CP3?  Idiot.

  4. 2 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    He does suck.....the abilities of his teammates away. He is a great player but has to do so at the expense in others. Players improve when they leave and regress when they play with him. OKC needs a real point guard to ever have a chance with Russ, but will have to be someone who can tell him he looks fat in those pants. 

    And PG is shooting the best in his career.  And 32 year old Corey Brewer is playing better than when he was getting same time on the Rockets.  And even after getting traded away Lantern is effusive on praise for Westbrook.  And under his burner account KD attacked the entire team and organization but didn't say a single bad thing against Russ.


    But keep on with your shitty narrative 

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  5. On 4/11/2018 at 3:08 AM, Aphelion said:

    If you are happy with the product and the price level, then this is what ultimately matters; it's never my intent to condescend someone's preferred coffee type. 

    In the case of nespresso, my objection is that they charge incredibly high prices for 5 grams of average coffee (crema layer is not an indicator of the quality of the coffee bean).  Even compared with the pricing of a shot of espresso at most specialty coffee shops, the price per gram is similar to what nespresso charges for their pods.  At my shop, we are around 13c/gram for an epsresso, while nespresso is anywhere from 10-14c/gram.   Most specialty coffee shops are paying anywhere from 2-4 times the price per pound for their green coffee; if you were to do a cupping with Q80+ specialty coffee compared to the lower scored coffee bought in bulk by the major consumers, you would immediately notice the monumental difference.  These shops also use optimized water produced from an elaborate water system, they have high end grinders to fresh-grind the coffee before preparation, calibrated machines that optimize the extraction process, and they have trained labor executing the process to serve you a final product.  They offer all of this, which produces a vastly superior end product, and yet they offer it at a similar price per gram of coffee as nespresso. 

    I agree with you on starbucks.  I do not like their espresso at all.  I think it's more astringent and excessively bitter than sour, though. 


    Extraction time does not include the pre-infusion phase.  At the shop, we do a 6 second pre-infusion at 1.5 bar and then start the 25-30 second extraction process, which starts at 9 bar and slowly decreases during extraction.  I would do anywhere from a 3-10 second pre-infusion.  Play around with it and see what works best on your machine.  

    Crema does not an espresso make, but for me it's an essential part of one.  Like a perfectly cooked interior on a steak or brisket...still needs a crust or bark to make it complete.

    The price comparison goes against direct competitors, which are home machines, particularly the pod systems of douwe Egberts, Keurig, and all the others out there.  Comparisons cannot be made against shops, unless the shops deliver a finished product to homes, where I consume one before work, after work, after dinner, on a whim, etc.  Also, not all shops have 'elaborate' water systems or trained labor.  That's really a bit or miss.  Even in Italy.  

    To me with Nespresso you pay for convenience.  At a shop you pay for the space.  And where I live is the rare case I pay for the drinks itself, where there are concoctions I don't bother making at home (Fiaker, Franziskaner, Maria Theresia, etc)

  6. this is a corporate shot but the crema profile - including the guiness-like foam - is identical to how we get  it at home


    average cost of a grand cru here costs less than <50c each.  (compared to say around 90c in a cafe in italy, up to 1.50 or 2.50 served in restaurants.)


    cannot be compared to bulk coffee on a weight basis.  because you are not buying bags of beans and grinding and dumping spoonfuls into your aerofrenchdrippress*. 

    50c for a serving is a stonking deal considering there is no measuring and tamping and cleaning and etc.  

    nespresso providers containers for recycling, shipped to them or dropped off at the stores.


    *by the way, there are reusable pods if you want to fill and use your own beans....

    **also, starbucks espresso tastes like sour ass.

  7. 2nd best winning record (w sufficient sample size) for one of the biggest football programs in history....


    During my time on campus, Texas won 10+ games, was in national championship contention every year, racking up 2 straight legendary-BCS-games, culminating with the crystal trophy.

    How many fans have had that experience?


    For that, they should erect a statue of him outside the stadium, as far as I'm concerned.

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