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Posts posted by 52-80

  1. 1 hour ago, G650 said:

    That shit is way behind, workwear came and went like 5 or 10 years ago.


    Related, maybe someone will give me good money for my old wore out Carhartt shit.

    I remember when workwear was previously big before that.  Carhartt is still growing here though.  They just opened a shop on a shopping/fashion street where Apple store used to be.

  2. 26 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

    stores that put out their own store coupon for shit that they do not stock in the store

    who in the fuck lets that shit happen

    Stores that want you to come in but don't want to lose money on sales

  3. 23 minutes ago, AnonymousInternetPoster said:

    We spent our last night at  "The W" and some scalliwag had the alarm clock in the room set for 3:23 am.  I was not happy about that.

    Theyre just waking up to prepare for a night out.  Nothing wrong with that.

  4. 58 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    The guy has a lot of MJ in him but get's shit on constantly.  I honestly don't get it.  He should have easily had another triple double last night (not to mention the W) but his fucktard sidekicks can't make an open jumper to save their lives.  


    and the big hustle crunchtime tip-in, the steal, the closing layup, etc...


    ...hes a joy to watch play.  the houston sourpuss fans crying through an entire offseason+ doesnt change that.

  5. not sure if its a british-english thing, but all the folks at work are in love with the longer form of consulting -- consultancy.


    projects are "consultancy engagements" (not consulting engagement)

    people or outfits or "consultancy companies" or "consultancies" (rather than consultants)


    its like theyre aluminiuming the fuck out of it

  6. 4 hours ago, Parliament said:


    Question for the board: Cargo pants, yes/no?  

    The best thing about cargo pants..... the carry capacity is so high, you could pack in an extra pair of cargos in the pockets, just in case you soil the ones you're already wearing.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, otisdog said:

    Harder to forget about this heading into Switzerland, where they practically pull you out of the car when you reach the border. Austrians are waaaay more laid back.

    prob with that is everything is remote by camera.  so whether you've sped or run a red or etc, you wont know until months later when they do the processing.  at any point in time, youve got no idea how many points or infractions youve incurred

  8. So yeah....finally took delivery of this bastard with a missed opportunity over Easter when I had to drive like 500mi


    * so psyched driving it around almost didnt even miss the manual transmission (sacrilege!!!)

    * so psyched i forgot to buy the toll sticker first and went on a piece of highway.  hopefully didnt get tagged and fined...

    * actually quite happy with the steering wheel and the iDrive, both of which i thought i'd loathe...

    * ultra-paranoid about scuffing up and/or pothole-damaging the wheels.  35 section tires so i know its going to happen ....

    * seats are kinda blah.  needs more bolsters, coming from my recaro hardshell buckets

    * on first fuel-up walked back to the car after paying to find little chinese tyke in sunglasses posed in front of the car for their parents.  they were in a 3 series wagon (go figure).  egoboost++


  9. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I haven't done any formal IQ test in a jillion years.  I always tested in the 99+ percentile, and IIRC, IQ scores were....really high.  And no, I'm not going to put a number here because I think that's asinine.

    The point is, I'm plenty "intelligent" by the STANDARD metrics that academia uses.

    I'm also just smart enough to realize that doesn't mean NOTHING, but it doesn't mean nearly as much as folks think it does.  "Intelligence" is a broad collection of WAYS you think about things.  In some respects, I have some good ways of thinking about things, and those translate to success.  In other ways, I'm not so strong at my ways of thinking about things, and I struggle, at least relatively.

    In short, IQ etc. is a very limited way of looking at "intelligence."  Subsets of "intelligence" skills are even more telling.  But we don't even know how to categorize or evaluate all of those.  When it comes to thinking, we're talking about grading a computer that none of us designed, we barely understand, and we don't even grasp all of the design or data inputs.  We can talk about pieces of pieces.

    And, bringing it back home....almost NONE of those pieces correlate to "race," which is largely a skin color construct (which DOES have a strong component of localization and limited local variation, but isn't connected at all, genetically, with many other traits).


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