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Goo Punch

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Posts posted by Goo Punch

  1. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    Again, you have Twitter. Fire away at the players. I'm sure they'd love to read your paragraphs. 

    And congrats on all your rep. Because that matters. 

    i can't put together what my disagreeing with you has to do with tweeting at our players? and yeah, if you're going to tell me that you can't find a point in anything i say, then i'll go ahead and point you towards the fact that that puts you in the minority. pun intended. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    You have a point? A lot of it reads like freaking out and grasping at any straw you can find. 

    dope retort. that must be why the majority of my posts in this thread are overflowing with pos rep. i made the bombastic Nike example because if we are going to make ourselves woke *to the point of claiming that The Eyes of Texas" is so racist that the school needs to find a new song*, then yeah, Nike's gotta go too.

    I mean it's not even fucking close. what hurts/negatively affects more people, The Eyes of Texas (a song that has zero racial lyrics and has brought people together for decades) or Nike, a mega company known for exploiting cheap labor/child labor? if we're setting the precedent that the fucking Eyes of Texas is too racist for our school then there's absolutely zero reason not to cut ties with Nike, tear down the stadium (one of the last stadiums to host an all-white team, named after a coach who recruited all white players for years) and eliminate the football program until we can find a piece of land that no racist ever touched while employing Rooster Andrews as our official apparel maker.  fucking hilarious that you would claim that *I'm* grasping at straws as you try to make The Eyes of Texas a symbol of hate.

  3. 2 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Yeah, they should just not care about anything unless they care about everything. Maybe you should tweet some of them and they might see about holding Nike accountable for that. Or you can just throw out every slippery slope argument you can think of. 

    how are you not getting my point? it's like you don't even realize that you just reemphasized the exact point i'm making. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    They should absolutely be able to listen to it. 

    Just like you should absolutely be able to listen to and sing the Eyes of Texas. Go nuts if that's your thing.

    That does not mean the university should sanction or play those songs at athletic events.

    well i hate to break it to you, but the university DOES play those songs at athletic events and in the highlight reels they make. did i miss all of the protests about this practice, or does it just not matter because i'm not a young black person and therefore my feelings are irrelevant. 

  5. oh yeah here's something else i love- our UT athletes, *especially* our football players, almost exclusively wear custom UT/Nike gear that was made in sweat shops. why do they keep wearing all of that gear? almost every time you see a UT players he's wearing some custom Nike shoes or shorts or a workout shirt- why is that ok? if we're going to become "Woke U" then we have to cancel all of our contracts with Nike and sign a new deal with a locally owned and operated shoe/apparel company that pays fair wages and gives health benefits to employees. how can we claim to be woke and wear Nike?

  6. 19 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    The truth is the Eyes of Texas is divisive. It is not a unifying medium for all students and alums. That runs counter to the mission of the university. 


    oh it's divide, it's just that the division literally 99/1, if not 99.9/0.1 how many *millions* of UT alums, players, and fans have been singing the song together for decades? ok now how big is this group of people who became offended by the song two days ago when they found out that a racist wrote it? gotcha.

    also, why isn't this same group of people just leaving the country entirely? because of systemic racism, the overwhelming majority of shit that we've accomplished in this country can be traced back to racist white men. our buildings were built by them; our roads were paved by them; our biggest businesses were started by them; you don't think there were any racists who helped build DKR? Wrigley Field? Fenway Park? what about Jerryworld? was anyone on the crew who built Jerryworld a racist? because if this is the precedent that we're setting- that anything that was remotely touched by a racist must be done away with- then i don't see how anyone who believes these things can even live in the United States. if it's THAT serious, then they're going to have to boycott just about everything. 

  7. oh and as a follow-up to my last post, i have a fun little exercise for @Eugene11 and everyone who repped his post: 

    you know a lot of our black athletes listen to and promote rap music that is FILLED with misogynistic, racist, sexist, and antagonistic lyrics, not to mention the glorifying of violence, guns, selling drugs, and prostitution/pimping. and, many of the artists themselves are criminals, convicted felons, gang bangers, rapists, and woman-beaters. so why can't i demand that our athletes stop listening to this music, and posting it on their IG pages and in their highlight reels? I mean these artists and this music are affecting people *today*, time now; not 150 years ago, and not in some "six degrees of kevin bacon" type of way, but right now. drugs (both usage and selling) have been a scourge on the black community, as has gun violence. thousands of women are sex trafficked and pimped out in this country every year. And beating/abusing women is a problem that has affected countless families for generations. so i don't think our athletes should be allowed to listen to that music anymore. it affects me. you agree, right? no more rap music for our athletes? ok good, glad we could all be sensible about this. 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Eugene11 said:

    You have made mention several times that “people JUST found out” Or lJUST realized”. As well as mention “ very small minority”. Both of these comments completely devalue any other argument you may have (and in my opinion make it absurd).

    Just finding out is in no way an excuse for wrong doing. It’s the farthest thing from it and complete insensitive and quite frankly a stupid argument. “I robbed the bank and shot someone. I’m excused  though because I didn’t know you couldn’t do that. Carry on.”

    ignorance is not an excuse.


    no one is "excusing" the wrong doings of the minstrel shows of 150 years ago, and your bombastic analogy re:the bank robbery/shooting is frankly retarded and probably a sign that i shouldn't even give you a serious response, but i guess i'll try anyway (although if my last post went over your head -which it clearly did- then i'll probably just be repeating myself). but let's try this again:

    you are grouping this song in with a group of things that is does not belong to. should a black student at UT have to study in a building named after an outright racist who refused to teach blacks? nope. totally legit beef there. should an institution of higher learning such as the University of Texas have statues around campus honoring known racists/members of the Confederacy? Nope. again, that's a total no-brainer, and something that should have been changed a long time ago. Should Julius Whittier already have been recognized by UT in some meaningful way like naming part of the stadium after him? absolutely. and it makes 100% total sense that issues like these would truly bother and affect black students and student athletes at UT, to a point where we can all agree that change needs to be made.

    Now then. Let's talk about The Eyes of Texas like adults (save the armed robbery/shooting analogies for the people in your echo chamber). We've already established the song has never ever ever ever EVER been divisive or hateful in its use at the University of Texas (quite the opposite), but since you are somehow  nonplussed by this fact and insistent on being triggered, let's address your point of contention:

    those statues, and the names on those buildings hurt people. the people who are being honored by those statues/buildings hurt people. celebrating racists hurts people. systemic racism hurts people. singing The Eyes of Texas does not, nor has it ever hurt anyone. that's why it is absolutely 100% relevant and important to point out that 99.99% of people familiar with the song *just now* found out that it was written by a racist/performed in minstrel shows more than a century ago. That absolutely matters. The song has been bringing hundreds of thousands of people together in unity for decades, and THAT should outweigh the fact that a tiny group of people are choosing to become upset over the fact that a racist guy wrote the song a million years ago, or what's more equating that fact with building statues in honor of slave owners. they are not the same thing. here, i'll use my own analogy that's on par with yours:

    I used the term "woke zealots" earlier on purpose, because with this particular request it's like they're at a buffet of Black Justice, and they've gotten to the end of the line with a big ole plate full of substantive, sizable helpings, served to them by truly emphatic and compassionate white people, only now they've said, "I want more. Is your chef white? make him give me his hat. I want the chef's hat. and because he's white and i'm black, and because this important to me, this MUST be done, otherwise you're a racist." that's what you're saying with your post- that literally because a small number of black people ask for it, that anyone who tries to to say that it's nonsensical/not helpful is "a part of the problem." that's ridiculous. 

    • Like 3
  9. in fact, i don't find BCS to be particularly layered or nuanced at all. there was *way* more going on in BB, including the latter seasons, than there ever has been in BCS, which from the jump has just been Jimmy vs the world. i mean you mention the later seasons of BB and say it was just Walt vs the world, but that's not true. You had Hank and Marie finding out about Walt which was incredible, and 100x more gripping than anything BCS has ever done; you had Todd and his uncle's prions gang/Nazi crew; you had Vamanos Pest, the train heist, Todd killing the kid, Walter Jr and Skylar finding out, you had Lydia and her methylamine, Mike Ehrmantraut and all of his storylines, you had Walt as the most wanted man in America, you had Robert Forster and his role, and none of this has even mentioned Saul/Heull/Bill Burr, the money, the car wash, etc.

    Meanwhile BCS has moved at a snail's pace, featured many early season storylines that ultimately didn't matter/improve the show, and yet it has almost none of the drama, or suspense, or danger, or even the captivating, slow moving scenes that are nothing but dialogue. what, in all of BCS, comes close to Mike's "half measures" speech, or Walt's, "I am the danger" outburst, or even when Walt snuck into Elliott and Gretchen's house to lay down the law? imo, nothing. 

    its a decent show that i honestly would have given up on seasons ago if i weren't so invested in the BB universe. I've heard many of you call it "the best show on TV" and "better than breaking bad",' but i haven't heard anything substantive to back up any of those claims. to me, and i believe to most people, BCS does not approach BB. I've given some reasons as to why that is. i'm open time hearing why some of you guys think it's the other way around.

  10. 11 minutes ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    I think it would have been ridiculous to say early on, but BCS has reached the point where it is much more layered and nuanced than BB was, particularly in the later years when it was basically Walt vs. the world.

    But certainly it's not really a fair comparison because the *existence* of BB makes BCS better because of the world-building that it did.

    how so?

  11. 32 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    I’m going to file “actually kinda liking swaggy and bayleigh” as one of the more shocking developments of this season lol. Based on how y’all talked about them from BB I already had my mind made up. 

    yeah they've done a pretty good job of mostly laying low, particularly Bayleigh. Swaggy is almost like a tall, black Bear- when you are introduced to him it's like, "boy do i hate everything about you",  it the more you see the person behind the persona you time down the hatred and sort of crank up the amusement. Bayleigh otoh is legit nutso amd has done a pretty decent job of keeping it subdued. credit where credit is due. 

    edit: what's funny is that Bayleigh has actually been one of the 2-3 most dramatic girls on the show, but it's still been surprisingly low key for her own standards, lol. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, ChampionshipLevelPiss said:

    I'm not necessarily in favor of disassociating with the song but this argument sucks. Are you really that self-centered that you can't imagine how a student of color would take even slight issue with the university glorifying a song that originated at minstrel shows?

    self centered? huh? i think i already answered your question in the very post you quoted. of course i can imagine a black student taking slight issue with glorifying a song that originated at minstrel shows. can you see that the actual reality of the situation is that the song has existed and been used to bring literally millions of people together for decades now, and has never been used to divide or degrade anyone? forget your hypotheticals about how this song "may" make some hypothetical student uncomfortable, the reality of the situation is that the song has brought people together, not divided them. as a tradition at Texas the song has never been sung to hurt anyone, but rather to unify them. Earl, Vince, Ricky, TJ, KD, etc all sang it proudly and have nothing but fond memories of it. That's the reality of the song.

    • Like 8
  13. man, the Texas Football IG is all over this. like 4-5 days ago they played what i thought was a pretty cool compilation/hype video featuring that Gucci Mane/Jimmy Fallon "Eyes of Texas" remix, along with a dozen+ cameos from famous celebrities and alums flashing the "Hook em" sign. I just went and checked and it's gone now. I scrolled back a couple of months and didn't see any videos containing the song. it's already being removed. damn. 

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    I don't like some if the demands but I'm not a black athlete representing the University of Texas. I don't know what it's like to deal with the fucked up system that they've grown up under. 

    Fuck it, it's another opportunity to live up to the motto and change the fucking world. Either UTexas is part of the solution or it's part of the problem.

    We're asking cops to hold each other accountable. Time for institutions of higher learning to do the same.

    what does The Eyes have to do with any of that? 

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