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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by troph

  1. We ended up goin out last night at 6pm and the insistence of my boys and ran all the way up near cow’s creek and found glass and few boats at 7pm. Surfed for an hour - I had my best run yet - easily 5-6 minutes with no rope and moving around on the wave. So much fun!


  2. Positives? I enjoyed my sons baseball practice without wondering if I was missing a Texas win. The rest of the fall will be easy too. Fuck this shitshow, I’ll travel and enjoy my kids. Texas football can eat a dick.

  3. How the fuck does a D-1 team named Texas field a soph qb coming out of a qb battle in 2-a-days that throws two INTs down the stretch to a shitty big 10 team in an empty stadium. Just not worth the effort. Mother of Christ, please abort.

  4. I haven't been paying attention to recruiting, spring game, roster, anything since we've sucked so hard for so long. This team has given me the PTSD's. Not giving them any of my bandwidth until they fucking show something, I've lost my trust a while ago.  My dad is at the game, it's a literal bucket list road trip for him (former longhorn player himself), he won't be around much longer to see this crap so at least there's that.

    Hi! Haven’t seen you around. Thought about you the other day...!
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  5. I agree it shouldn’t have a distinction but I think it does. Many have driven with too much to drink and not gotten pulled over but were lucky they didn’t. Far fewer have gotten in crashes and then arrested for drunk driving.


  6. I think Troph was referencing the fact that Beto crashed into another vehicle while driving drunk and put another driver's life at risk versus just getting pulled over by a patrol car.

    Yes this is why it may be a bigger deal. I’d hammer on this distinction if I were a surrogate for Cruz.
  7. It’s not just a DUI it was a near intoxication man slaughter event. It’s not easily dismissed but it’s also not new info. That’s a big effing deal that he’s gotten past it once already.

  8. Oh FYI our phone banking is equality specific so while we overlap with all issues like immigration etc we call equality voters and encourage them to vote to ensure lgbtq equality advances. That’s the only other qualifying aspect of our phone banks. Consider us an affiliate (not legally) of the campaign so to speak.

  9. Hope Hicks.  Or Tomi Lahren.

    Are they running for elected office? I’m talking about those seeking power positions requiring a vote of the electorate. That’s another sticky thing - men are expected to seek power so it’s okay. Women? Not so much.

    Interesting post. I always wondered about the stories of women just fawning over JFK. IMO, the attraction had a lot to do with his conduct and charisma, and not objective appearance.


    On the other end of the spectrum, with women’s appearance, my wife runs into that a lot. Like people walk up, look at her and demand to speak to the “actual pharmacist”. They just assume she is some hot, vapid ACC technician chick.



    I have stories on both sides. It’s actually the hardest part of my transition. I mean really fucking hard. I’m trying to figure out how to be both - reasonably attractive - and intelligent - and be recognized as both - and it doesn’t totally work. I get sidelined some, I’m a bitch some, and I don’t get the added bump from charisma some. Previously I could find the place where I easily got credit for all three and it was something I took for granted.


    Money is another one. Women with their own money aren’t viewed like men with money.


    The list of differential treatment between the sexes/genders is actually kinda long.



    Anyway back to the fuckability of Beto and his lanky/boney appearance.

  11. Beto will win the 18-35 female vote because his policies are compassionate, humane, well thought out and he expresses them with passion. He’s attractive not because he’s good looking, he’s attractive because of all of it. Men who have their eyes set on a prize that includes brining others with them - i.e. real leadership - produce feelings that aren’t always rational but that doesn’t mean rationality isn’t part of it.


    I think the guy is very attractive mostly because of the above not because I think a overstated crooked nose is handsome. if he was an egotistical male corporate lawyer talking down to me on a deal I’d think he was a cocksucker shitstain.


    He becomes handsome because of his ideas, his intelligence, his thoughtfulness and his genuine approach in his pursuit of a goal - to make Texas and our country better for all. The fact that it includes a sexual energy component is just human or at least for those that can be or are attracted to men.


     What’s interesting to me is that both the intelligence and appearance really work for men in an almost synergistic way. I don’t know if it works that way for women. Smart girls who look super hot have a helluva time being taken seriously and smart girls that aren’t attractive don’t become attractive when they speak. I don’t know the magic formula for women to catch the wave like Beto. Who is the female rock star politician that everyone fawns all over? I don’t know of one.


  12. I know I’m going to be in the minority on this but I think Beto wins and it’s not going to be that close.
    like Beto by three to five points. 

    The enthusiasm supports your conclusion but we have to see how the GOTV works. Honestly he’s mobilizing like a mofo now. He really could pull this off and walk away with it in modern political numbers - flipping negative 9 to positive 3-4. I’m thinking it’s a nail biter either way but thinking he wins bc he’s yet to fuck up and that makes me think his campaign is rock solid for the next two phases - GOTV and defend the TV onslaught. It’s clear he’s going to campaign like a man on fire though and that’s what it will take.

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