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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by troph

  1. I’m not 20 anymore - no fairy tales and happily ever after pipe dreams based on gushy emotions - debt free and solid income, self employed are a must. No kids, great at travel and hot sex all a must too. Last thing, no Jesus. Meet those requirements and you can have all the tats you want.





  2. I've been seeing my therapist for about 5 weeks. Talk about emotionally draining. The diving into various issues.. my adoption and finding my grandma and parts of my dad's side of me, apparently a lot of my perfectionism/pleasing others/ocd is from my adoptive mother and her control over me as a kid. I mean, I can see where the therapist is coming from, but each week is just an emotionally beating and I leave feeling somewhat drained from it.  And then the questions like "Treat emotions like they are a person sitting by you, how would you treat them", there's a whole lot of 'can you try and explain what you are trying to get me to say' from some of those questions. I'm getting good progress, I enjoy going, but I'm not a huge fan of feeling like each time I go is some big miracle because it feels like I don't like it all that much (and the therapist and I have both commented on that).
    (And - I'm not sure its a good or bad thing that she's smoking hot. It sure as hell keeps me going, its almost like a smart prostitute that I can vent to without the sexual component. I'm pretty sure that's not healthy but then again.. I'm at a therapist for a reason).

    Care to pass her name along? I’m half serious.
  3. I don't know if he technically committed treason, but it's obvious to anyone with a brain that Donald Trump is compromised.
    I really want to know what the Russians are holding over his head.
    I bet Robert Mueller knows. Donald Trump knows he knows.
    Buckle up.

    Life in prison for financial crimes and forfeiture of his financial empire most likely. When trump is done he’s probably hanging out on a beach with oligarchs at his hotels on the Black Sea is some shit.
  4. With his words at a press conference? No.


    Did he agree to do something in the meeting that’s treasonous? We’ll see.


    Publicly though he’s running our closest military allies into the ground, going to war with tariffs on our neighbors, publicly humiliating leaders of democracies we need support from while speaking highly of and to Russians and North Koreans. What the hell?



    As for collusion... I’ll wait for the investigation to run its course.





  5. I was expecting more from Kasich. He had a chance to come off as being far more presidential than Trump and instead sounded like someone who is still hedging his bets.

    Santorum ripped him a new one too then the hosts push harder and he started to walk some of it back. Kasich started strong went on a rant then mumbled it through. Still nothing like what we’ve seen before on the Russia probe
  6. If you had the stomach for it, the Hannity interview was pure desperation. 
    Both of them just throwing a cascade of names and buzzwords around with no coherent point whatsoever. They're hardly even speaking in complete sentences. 
    "you look at Comey" 
    And? Nothing, onto the next deep state name who apparently conspired to take down Trump. 

    Basic message was Russia has meddled for over a decade and Dems said nothing until now. Liberal biased media. BLAH!
  7. Second Amendment - Dems aren’t wanting to take guns away, they just want reasonable restrictions on assault weapons. Obama did nothing to take guns away, it’s a non-starter.


    Strict Border Control - illegal immigration was at an all time low with Obama. Trump has made our policy for legal asylum seekers inhumane and illegal.


    Conservative Court - strangely I think this is one place I can’t argue with you that Dems are just as good or better, we just disagree. I think you should be able to marry as should I, and I think repo rights are for a woman to decide as I hope young women chose life just as you do. But we disagree on these issues I suspect.




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  8. Hamptons? Troph is big timing us. 71 degrees on Fire Island right now.

    Ain’t no Hamptons. We do see jet setting helicopters flying to the Hamptons throughout the day though. About 45 mins away from here. Weather has been phenom. Windows open 24/7.

  9. 30-40 mph in that boat is dangerous even in day light. I boat at night but I’m one turn away from the marina at most, don’t go over 10-12 mph. And I’m headed in by 930-10pm. 11pm or later? Fucking stupid. That trek from where he was apparently to lakeway is a haul and has several tricky spots that require great attention and your phone gps app up and going. That guy was shitfaced, no two ways about it.

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  10. y'all haven't really focused on the crux of the issue.  it's the proliferation and access to porn.  jesus loving people love porn and now that you can get it anywhere, anytime, people realize gay is good.  like god is good except change the "od" to "ay" and you're there.


    actually, it's most people realize is inhumane to deny someone the same rights based on who they love. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Bigpoppapump said:

    Tough argument there.  Lots of other cars with better luxury interiors for the same price.  Nearly any performance car will perform better than the S for the same price or less.  Hell you can get an STI for 40k and basically match the performance (obviously not straight line speed).  If you want to pay a large premium for not using gas, and having a minimalist interior, I'd agree there is no competitor right now.  I personally don't want that in a car.  I'm in the less electronics the better crowd. NTTAWWT

    I would say the model S has no competitor if you want a clean car, one that has 75% less breakable parts, is sexy as hell, gets off the line faster than any car on the road, has a full electronic interface with a clean minimalist interior - instead of 3 different ways to turn on a stereo - and tons of storage space.  It's a helluva car especially CPO (you can own them for <$65K).  If I were buying brand new at the model S price I'd still probably pull the trigger but I'll agree there are some kick ass cars at $80-120K.  I will say though, not having to stop at the gas station is a heck of a drug.

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  12. I don’t know what he does to stay clean. I don’t know if he goes to meetings, and that’s not because he wouldn’t tell me but mostly bc we aren’t that close anymore. I know initially he was in meetings all the time, I know he was in traditional therapy too. I know he wasn’t dogmatic about drinking re his addiction but I don’t know where he landed on having a beer after mowing the lawn, etc.


    As for how, got sucked up in the Plano teenage heroin epedmic back in the early 2000s I think it was. Dangerous elixir of anxiety, addictive personality, boredom and access. Rehab twice, friends OD’d, etc. He won’t talk about it all but there was bad shit all around. Dealers, law enforcement, hospital visits, death, you name it. Reminds me a bit of Iraq or Afghanistan Vets who saw action but instead of human enemies it was the drug that tried to kill him.


    Interestingly enough, his first gig as a social worker was with the children of meth addicts in north east Texas and south east Oklahoma (near Paris, Texas). The stories of high as a kite folks were constant. The most shocking was a toothless man fucking a dog in the front yard for the whole world, including his kids, to see. I always wondered how that wasn’t that guy’s rock bottom y’all talk about.




  13. On 7/1/2018 at 5:30 PM, JimmyJames said:

    I propose that we completely all eliminate social security payments and Medicare for the next 20 years. That will eliminate all debt. 

    Then in 20 years when I turn 65 we reinstate 100 percent all social security payments and Medicare.

    Think that’s selfish? Well that’s exactly what the olds are doing right now. When the country is bankrupt they will be dead and will finally have stopped fucking up this country.  And in 20 years the social security and Medicare payments that they spent won’t be around anymore because the government won’t have enough money to pay it.

    Quite the legacy baby boomers. 

    They earned it and trump is trying to stop socialism you know the true enemy of our country and our children is socialism not the baby boomer's unwillingness to sacrifice for the future and get this shit turned around.

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