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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by troph

  1. From that article:

    “In Del Rio, Markowski Smith told me that the people who usually come out to knock on doors in Latino neighborhoods to get out the vote for local elections are just not out there for Beto yet. Whether that’s because they haven’t been connected to the campaign or they don’t care about O’Rourke as a candidate remains unclear.”

    That’s the most troubling thing about his campaign. Earlier paragraphs talked about the dem establishment not being behind him yet bc he’s not accepting their help. I bet he gets it right he’s got enough cash to send an army to these places and he’s yet to take a wrong step in the strategy he’s employing but this is where the rubber will meet the road. GOTV relative to the enthusiasm and momentum and he wins a nail biter.

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  2. Waco town hall was fuggin packed!! Ladies hugging him with visible crushes. I think there may be a lot of women voting for him while their fatso hubbies vote for the orange orangutan.

    Dude has a real shot.

  3. Republicans have their own definition of freedom.
    It doesn't apply to anyone who isn't rich, white, and preferably male.

    Shit down and shut up white women are allowed.
  4. Also I like this strategy.  Keep showing pics of young, hot Beto versus fat ugly Ted.

    The women think the rocker is cute and a guy who got pinged for shit when he was young becomes every man’s man. Not sure the negs will work with the middle and the frustrated pubs considering Beto.

    Question is will it get out the vote for trumpers more than it seems to energize Beto fans?
  5. It’s cute how they label anyone “SJW” but take umbrage at being labeled “God Warriors” for their pro-theocratic Christian agenda 

    Onward Christian Soldiers mofos. Fighting for sharia law since the days of Ronald Reagan.
  6. Ain’t got no issue with a guy who made mistakes when he was young if he’s “pro-immgration”, pro-choice, supports healthcare for everyone, wants reasonable gun control, and thinks it’s humane to advocate for the rights of all Texans even if he includes POC and the fruitcakes like me.




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  7. Odds might be against him but he’s got a chance. The momentum is nuts. Did y’all see the Waco crowd from recent. Nuts just completely unlike anything I’ve seen in a while. Raising money for this guy has been a walk in the park. People coming off the sidelines and getting involved everywhere. He’s got a real shot at this.

  8. Fuck that nonsense. There ain’t nothing wrong with cross dressing. But stoking fears in others because we might be different in some small ways is becoming an unforgivable sin in my book.

    • Like 1
  9. Military and I have zero issue with his benefits but he and everyone else warning me of socialism needs to look in the mirror. The rest of us are paying for his annuities and healthcare. The fact that he signed a contract offering socialized retirement doesn’t make it something different. If the larger collective is asked to pay for an individual that is a brand of socialism according to his interpretation, except as it applies to him, because he worked for it.

  10. maybe it's just perception, but I used to feel safer with regard to taxes when GOP was in majority.
    Now, they all just think the citizen is an endless fountain of cash.
    The federal government has more than enough revenue.  Spend it better.
    The sudden love affair with socialism gives me pause.  The left might still yet attempt to differentiate themselves, fiscally from the GOP.

    My dad has a pension, social security and lifetime health care from the government. He’s deathly afraid of socialism too.

    The fact is we have socialism already by his standards - it’s just for him though - no one else. Because by god he’s earned it. Yep.
  11. The fiscal part of the GOP is what turns me off today, much because of what you describe.  I know people get pissy about the ‘both sides’ thingy, but that seems to be where Congress is more unified than anywhere else.
    As far as social policy, neither side really gets it right. They just see the issues as leverage towards their fiscal goals.  It’s off-putting as hell.

    You must be a white straight guy. Because most of the rest of us don’t see social issues that impact us as a fiscal issue.
  12. I went from hard core conservative to still fiscally conservative but full tilt social liberal. I just don’t see how a society made for all of us is a bad thing. The pie is big enough to give every one a slice. You get yours, I’ll get mine and let’s help them get theirs.

    • Like 7
  13. Anyone interested in giving and coming to a private Beto event shoot me a PM. Door is $500 per person. He’ll be there for an hour or so. Only condition besides the cold hard cash is you must love the gays (crowd will tilt heavily gay), trannies, bleks, and browns. Oh and alcohol, must love alcohol. Event is late this month....

    • Like 5
  14. Berli’s is great - used them twice - they take forever though. The car will be perfect and I wouldn’t go anywhere else with a high end car but I just got my Tesla back and it took a month to book after my estimate and 3.5 weeks to fix some scratches on the front number and replace the back bumper once I gave it to them.

  15. With Google WiFi you can turn access off by device. It picks up every printer, thermostat, gaming device, watch, phone, tablet, laptop all of it and you can pause, set hours, etc. the parental controls are amazing but the over all WiFi management is just as good. All parents should have it.


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