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Everything posted by ClubWhatever

  1. O'Dowd is late on an 86 mph fastball down the middle
  2. Yep Alabama lost to UAB and Duke lost to Gardner Webb or some shit
  3. Here's a fun stat. Texas pitching has walked or hit 20 batters.
  4. Yeah it was 14 but we made a gutsy comeback
  5. Change the thread title back to what it was. He needs to be dismissed. Start vetting candidates.
  6. I don't agree with yanking Duplantier there. He's 18 and a dumbass and won't get another chance to play this year. You do a mound visit and chew his ass but leave him in to get more hacks.
  7. In 2005 we had games where we scored 2 against Corpus, 1 against SWT, 2 against Kansas, and 1 against Kansas. If you can pitch that shit doesn't matter at the end of day.
  8. At the end of this meltdown our season ERA will be 5. I can't remember the last time that happened. I'd wager this is one of the worst 2 or 3 staffs in the past 40 years.
  9. Yet another soft throwing lefty with no command
  10. Keith would never but he should ask Pierce if he will resign
  11. We keep trotting guys in from the pen with no command. The staff is pure junk.
  12. This is our second best pitcher. Let that sink in.
  13. If you didn't catch that RGV is 0-38 at the Disch.
  14. Will somebody at the game please strangle the whistler?
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