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Everything posted by ClubWhatever

  1. Just let all the carbon out in one huge puff, no need to sequester and decompose it over a few decades so it can slowly leak out.
  2. How does Trilly disseminate their scoop and what does it say besides "name" on their ID?
  3. Well at least our DBs should be able to hit the cutoff man
  4. Sanders might want to rethink his mental approach. Mouthing Fuck Me nonstop during his AB may not inspire confidence.
  5. A deific hand should reach down and take his NIL and scholarship and hand it to Auburn.
  6. Texas A&M Recruiting 202X: No Longer on the Roster
  7. Good spot for him. Street ball offense, discipline optional.
  8. That's not going to sit well with a certain redass mom
  9. More of The Bad Tim Beck - Woe unto whatever AD looked at your track record and thought, yeah, this is the guy we need to keep what Chadwell had rolling! Tony Elliot - no, sorry, but P5 coaching isn't really about building young men and other platitudes. You also have to score points, which requires a QB and Oline. Billy Napier - We're tempting fate here by putting him on this list, but let's face it. We've thought he was a bad coach ever since we saw his steel trap like football mind first hand at ULL. He's manufacturing rope by the yard and we're not going to bet against this being the year his employer uses it.
  10. More of The Ugly Mel Tucker - If your nickname is Mel Tugger something has gone horribly wrong. You did manage to hoodwink a university out of $99M so at least you're not Mike Price. Jeremy Chadwell - you're a good coach but what in the world is coming up in your background check that the only schools that will touch you are Coastal Carolina and the school that hired Hugh Freeze and you. Kirk Ferenz - again, you've done about as well as anyone can do at Iowa, but you had to be publicly humiliated and have university rules bent because you insisted on hiring a complete zero of an OC who also happens to be your son and is NOT Greg Davis. Wow
  11. Hoping he would portal was dumb. 1. What makes you think Wisner was a threat to portal? 2. You can never have enough good backs. What if two of the top three get hurt? 3. Red brought energy and toughness to the team. You can't get enough of that, either.
  12. So interesting, apparently, that it could not be reproduced in written English
  13. I believe they went relatively light on portal in secondary because they were in on multiple elite HS recruits and didn't want to spook them.
  14. They just suck, but they did hit a number of balls right at people. And several that were knocked down by the wind that had home run exit velocity on other days. But so did we.
  15. Hahaha a "success in life" pissing contest on surly. That's never happened.
  16. It seems that might be the one call in the game, besides ball/strike, that is not reviewable.
  17. TCU hits .227 as a team in conf play and their ERA is worse than ours. They suck.
  18. Moreland called it live, but the replay was just a blur. You could not tell for sure on TV. This was all unnecessary if the home plate ump saw it live. Make the call.
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