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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. Hold on Diggs. Amazing they caught it with it being in the open field.
  2. Where's Parsons this game? To be faaaaaaaaaaaaair, he's getting tackled, held, and head butted on most plays.
  3. Kellen, please enjoy those interviews during the offseason.
  4. That's a hell of a punt. Pretty much the only good thing today.
  5. Must be nice to get owned, fall to the ground, and get a holding penalty called again the OL you're going up against. Fucking amazing.
  6. Jesus Christ. Slightly offside, but it looked good in real time.
  7. You got your wish with Jones. Shitty possession to start, a lot of giveaways.
  8. Guaranteed if Pollard or Elliott did that, a phone call from New York rules it a fumble.
  9. Delay of game not called and a missed fumbled. On brand. Way to review all those plays, New York...
  10. Some eagle-eyed officials in there today...when they want to be.
  11. Thank God for the delay of game. Now we get the right play in.
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