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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. Oh, so there's an evaluation and action for players, but not the head coach. OK...
  2. A screen? They really surprised us on that one.
  3. We do not use Cooper the right way. All these outs and up the sideline passes are not his strength. Get him cutting inside on quick or deep ins so he can create the separation.
  4. Connor Williams was playing great? That’s news.
  5. Good on Sanders to give it to the Eagles fan with Downs.
  6. if we lose a lot when Heath is off the field, then we really suck.
  7. Yeah, Roberston was telling Mane that he'll take care of Rafinha.
  8. The one god damn spot that Salah shouldn't pass it to...and he passes it there.
  9. Make fun of those stuttering kids, Joe.
  10. "Special needs is the new normal in this country." He ain't lyin'.
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