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Patricio Swayze

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Posts posted by Patricio Swayze

  1. it's a shame they aren't more diplomatic with lady silence.  she is their best hope at survival.  i don't see how the crew stays so calm.  goes to show you how stupid they were back then.  the crew is dropping like flies (at what should be an alarming rate), there's a monster polar bear wreaking havoc, the captain is dead, the new captain is in detox, their food is tainted, ice is squeezing and about to shatter the hull of one of the ships, it's -50.  Oh, and they are down to two bottles of whiskey.   They need to find a land route and get the fuck out of there.

    Perhaps. But then they become frozen treats for the Tuunbaq as they try to escape.
  2. 3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Off-topic slightly, but I wonder why Austin has no ruins while Houston is replete with them.  One theory is Austin's kind of hysterical attachment to historical preservation, while Houston is one of the ultimate cities of disposable neighborhoods and structures.

    Perhaps, but I think it has to do with the size of the cities and also the type of industry and growth in the last century. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    Nah, engagement photos, and the girl has a photographer she likes (and who probably has a pretty good idea of what good locations would be, but I'm trying to think on it as well).  Thinking just a bit, I do feel like there's not a lot of this in Austin, though there's bound to be a few locations I'm not thinking of, and there has to be some places in the surrounding areas.

    Ah ok...maybe some of my spots are a little too sinister for wedding shots haha. 



    San Marcos:


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  4. 15 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    Or Lockhart, Bastrop, anywhere nearby.  Thinking of that old school in Smithville, would be nice if there was somewhere closer.

    Also, that school has been renovated (I believe).  This is close to Smithville, not sure if it fits the bill.  And the second pic is of the place I am referring to in Houston.



    Southern Houston Suburbs


    San Antonio (several buildings, including chapel)


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  5. I saw Smashing Pumpkins, Blind Melon, Rev Horton Heat and others there in 1994. How frequent were shows there? At the time, I thought it was something that was really sporadic.

    I was at that show. My older brother was a sophomore at Texas and my girlfriend and younger drove up with me from Houston to go to that concert (all of us in high school still). On the way back to my brother’s place in west campus I ran the light at 24th and San Antonio. Cop pulls me over and another shows up. They yank me out of the car because I had this piece of wood under my seat that they said was a concealed weapon. After trying to scare the shit out of me they gave me a ticket for the traffic light, took the beater and left. Assholes.


    When I was at UT from 95-99 we saw Rage Against the Machine there with the Roots. We also went to one of the Warp Tours. Hot as fuck that day.

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