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Everything posted by perfectchaos007

  1. Going from 1st to home on a hit is suspect. Better review it! -UCF
  2. 2 out single breaks up the no-no. we have a base runner!
  3. UCF's pitcher today has a nasty change up. Our kryptonite.
  4. 1st round exit for poor aggy. They shouldn't have been selected to be in the tournament to begin with.
  5. We're leaving this dumb conference with a whimper
  6. Best case scenario Texas loads the bases with no outs and sends this game to the 12th inning.
  7. Texas begins conference play with a 4-0 sweep over UCF. Big one against TCU on Sunday
  8. In danger of another bases loaded no outs where we only score 1
  9. Texas gets 1 run after getting bases loaded 0 outs
  10. OKST wins 4-3 and most likely clinched the Big12 title by defeating Texas today. Hopefully Zeynalova can get healthy by tournament time because we won’t do anything without her. Good news is she was seen walking around without any visible injury on the sideline today.
  11. OKST wins 4 out of 6 first sets in singles. They are now in the drivers seat to win this match
  12. Texas takes the doubles point! We needed that point a lot more than OKST did to have a chance at winning today.
  13. Zeynalova can’t go today against OKST, so She must be seriously injured. This match in all likelihood will decide the Big12 title
  14. Making up for lost time? I take it you weren't able to bet on WBB back when you were reffing.
  15. Booker is trying to do too much in this game and she doesn't need to. Keep feeding Jones in the paint and let her take over. We need a fresh Booker starting in round 2 and moving foward
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