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Burnt Ends
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Neonmoon last won the day on May 25 2022

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  1. That is incredibly misleading if not downright lying. They don’t distinguish between mom/pop owner of a second home/investment property and big bad corporations like Black Rock Spoiler alert. Lots of people own second homes and investment proprieties. Want to stop it? Tax non owner occupied at higher tax rates
  2. I’m always for more content. It could suck. In fact, it’s probably likely it sucks. But there’s always a chance it could be good, which benefits everyone. Is anyone mad Dune got rebooted? Battlestar Galatica? Batman? True Grit? Yes, Red Dawn sucked. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory blew. Road House was laughable. Who cares.
  3. Anyone had any experience with parceling out acreage? Is it a bitch?
  4. Even if sentenced to prison, appeals will take a couple years. (He will make sure to drag it out). He still has the other cases. While Cannon will likely torpedo the documents case somehow, the DC one will eventually go to trial.
  5. 1. Agree. Politicians should be barred from trading while in office. Biden has not addressed this. 2. Like the DOJ suing Live Nation and Ticketmaster for being a monopoly or going after Apple for smartphone monopoly ? 3. (Don’t know what this means. Seriously) 4. Agree. 5. Um..what? 6. Infrastructure Bill addresses part of this, along with Biden rebuilding CDC 7. What about going after overdraft fees or endorsing Basel III? Biden will not be relatable. He’s 150 years old. It’s the truth, especially to the vibes generation. I think he’s too old to be President. If you want to argue he’s not a good candidate, I’m all for it, but when it comes to policy, your complaints lack substance. He has accomplished more than most, even many items on your list, but people are unhappy, and fair or not, you blame the man in charge.
  6. What does the disengaged care about? You keep referencing this contingent and that Biden does nothing for them. What specifically do they want that Biden doesn’t represent? How could Biden make their life good and enjoyable?
  7. Disagreeing with an opinion is not “attacking” you. I pointed out your opinion lacks supporting evidence. In fact, I provided a list of things that disprove it. I even politely asked for an example of what you consider “good”. You’ve yet to respond.
  8. Which president in your opinion was a good president, either party, and why?
  9. You drank raw milk from a bulk tank or a bull tank? Big difference
  10. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/musk-accused-of-7-5-billion-of-insider-trades-in-investor-suit whoopsie
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