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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Aztec Death Whistle https://www.google.com/search?q=aztec+death+whistle&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=1225&biw=2560&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS820US820&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiegc2o05KFAxUiMEQIHTf-C-4Q0pQJKAF6BAgBEAQ#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a637a181,vid:SKwUBtZYdYs,st:0
  2. She is the biggest shitstain in America. Well, maybe 2nd biggest.
  3. Same. She is convinced it'll get warmer or colder if she cranks it hard over one way or the other. I could explain it 500 times and it won't compute for her.
  4. Ohtani isn't going to pitch at all this year.
  5. OK, I may need to make some adjustments. Recalculating...
  6. My guess is that he and his friends are more the exception than the rule when it comes to the impact of Covid and social media on teens. And I think those that may be a bit more introverted were likely even more severely impacted as the opportunity to develop friendships at a key time in their development was thwarted.
  7. Yes. I had high schoolers during Covid and I think it fucked them both up to a measurable degree. And their peers. Relationships are so different among teens today than they used to be. While they have more connectivity through countless devices and platforms, the true interpersonal relationships are elusive. My son, a good looking bright kid if I do say so myself, was (is) a sophomore in college before he got his first real girlfriend. And that is far more common than it used to be. Very few of his HS class were really dating. Hell, we were ALL dating it seemed back in my day. Some more serious than others, but the forced face-to-face communication we had sparked relationships that otherwise only exist through texts and snapchat. Hell, my kids barely realize their phones have an actual phone function.
  8. I need @Brisketexan to be the yin to this unbridled yang enthusiasm.
  9. We used to have a Scottish fold and he was awesome.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C17435oS7Pc/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  11. Paul Manafort is out hunting for some dirty money somewhere I'm sure.
  12. Most owners/developers who've built a track record use other people's money. But when you are forced to sell in a down market with capital markets tighter than a drum, yes, you are fucked. And he's going to get fucked badly.
  13. I was home feeling like shit this past Saturday. Comedy Central ran all 3 "Meet the Parents" movies back to back to back. I was thoroughly entertained by all of them.
  14. Turns out that was about right. Lymph nodes are a little enlarged, so they want to bump up my next scan to 3 months instead of 6 months to just keep a close eye on it. But good news overall.
  15. Light winds here too. But not headed anywhere specific, so just lollygagging under headsail. First time off the dock since September. Criminal. Been a shitty winter. Well 2023 sucked pretty much in general
  16. He said "we're going to hand deliver it on the steps of the Supreme Court!" Does that mean he's just showing up next Friday, not that he actually has a hearing?
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