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  1. I'm not big on soccer Pete but I hate the Danny/corby/Mike trio. Would much prefer taking Sirois off that norm and the brotha abortion and replacing either corby or Danny with him.
  2. Cite evidence for this. Which laws were broken?
  3. America is Anthony Bourdain. For decades now always eats at the best restaurants, stays at best hotels, gets ass kissed constantly, and says fuck it while tying the noose around it's own neck. 40 percent of this country sees the moron as a good president so there will be no revival.
  4. Hard to smile after repeatedly taking a metal pipe to the skull
  5. I told y'all that soulless whore is dead as fried chicken.
  6. Well he did just kill his wife after she punched him in the fupa so now he has a shit load of secret service to pay off and needs more putin money to do it.
  7. I'd put her and Bee in some sort of reality tv show version of "The Running Man" where they fight for one single second chance.
  8. After that trailer I feel like ive already seen the movie. It was aiii't
  9. Have you seen my baseball??
  10. The melania you see at the event tomorrow will not be the real Melania. She was buried under the white house. This new melania is a cupacabra with a boob job.
  11. What if Roseanne were black?
  12. Denial bro. That foreign alien gold digging whore with horrendous judgement is dead as fried chicken. No one can find her because fat fuck ate her.
  13. That's dumb. She dead. She probably put a couple rounds in that mongoloid half trump kid and then hanged herself from the ceiling in front of the Obama painting.
  14. Thats why the NFL will always have these problems with their players. NBA players are taken care of and dont want to rock the boat for some stupod anthem protest. NFL players feel the league is constantly out to screw them and will make noise whenever they can any way they can.
  15. ABC should have said Roseanne is fired from her own show and next season will go on with her character getting killed off screen before the first episode.
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