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6th Street

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Everything posted by 6th Street

  1. Those idiots had the chance to add any number of Big 12 schools - Tech, OSU, TCU, KSU etc after Texas/OU announced we were leaving. Instead they sat there holding their dicks and now they're fucked.
  2. All of this is true. Pete has zero legislative experience and no accomplishments in the private sector. He's not really likable to the general public and minorities don't care for him. Biden on the other hand is a shrewd negotiator who is well liked and well respected by all.
  3. Biden is a much more effective politician than Pete who seems to be an empty suit for the most part.
  4. Meanwhile Bunker Bitch Trump hides out in fear during BLM protests
  5. Talking points are already out. "Hurr durr why not visiting Ohio????" What happened to rugged individualism?
  6. Head football coach is a career .500 guy that's been fired from multiple jobs across college and NFL
  7. Seth Davis thinks the UNT coach McCasland would be a good hire since guys like Musselman and Cronin are unlikely to leave their current posts. Won the Conference USA in 2 of the last 3 years including an NCAA tourney win - as many as Texas has had in like a dozen years.
  8. I think most of us are ok with moving on from Beard as long as his replacement is decent and not a mediocre Rodney Terry
  9. Apparently she blew Trump https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/michael-wolff-book-siege-trump-oral-sex-affair-stairs-numbers-math-nikki-haley-a8944516.html?amp
  10. Nikki likes to cheat. Multiple affairs https://www.politico.com/story/2010/06/haley-denies-second-rumored-affair-038077?_amp=true
  11. It's quite amazing. The pubs had a layup with inflation and rising energy prices and they're focused on "hurr durr woke dims" for the Walmart crowd. By the time the 2024 election comes around, the macro will have fully recovered and inflation will be back to 3%.
  12. Chips Act, Infrastructure Bill, lower prescription drug prices for seniors. Excellent work Joe
  13. That was a damn good SOTU. Damn uplifting in contrast to the fearmongering under the prior administration.
  14. Conversation should extend to the NBA where you have former refs like Donaghy openly admitting to fixing games. Lakers-Kings, Mavs-Heat, Rockets-Warriors etc.
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