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Texas Wahoo

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Everything posted by Texas Wahoo

  1. A lawsuit? I could see an NCAA rule, but a lawsuit? Who would have standing to sue for showing High School Football games?
  2. Well - I'm glad you worked through your initial disappointment in the course of writing that long post.
  3. My alma mater vs. my siblings' alma mater. I don't think either school had much in the way of football talent when I was in school in the late 1990s / early 2000s.
  4. And you think that bulldozing the football stadium and putting the Medical School there would have saved the taxpayers some of this money?
  5. You have to realize that the times have changed since then right? How many football championships have been won by programs who are not paying their coaches competitively and/or have no luxury boxes or tailgating?
  6. This might be the oddest comment yet. They did not bulldoze DKR because it was not adjacent to the Medical School and most importantly, because building a new football stadium would cost a hell of a lot more than building a new basketball stadium. I have no idea what you are getting at with this comment. What conspiracy do you think bulldozing the basketball stadium over the football stadium confirms?
  7. You know the reason they are bulldozing the basketball arena has nothing to do with sports and everything to do with the Medical School, right? It's not like they are buldozing it to make room for a giant luxury swimming pool full of scotch.
  8. I think the problem is no one knows what your ultimate point is. You are suggesting that spending all of this money on coaches and stadium expansion has hurt Texas' results on the field, but it is not clear how you think Texas should improve those results. Are you suggesting that removing the upper deck and paying less for the coaching staff is more likely to lead to better on-field results?
  9. Saw a few burnt orange clad folks at the Ritz Carlton in Pentagon City this morning on the way to work. My wife and I have been doing the non-conference away game for a few years now (Ole Miss, Notre Dame, Cal) and it's weird not having to travel for the game. It's hard to tell if there is a big group of Texas fans around when you are not in the most touristy areas. Hope to see a bunch of you at the Tailgate tomorrow morning.
  10. I think it was the lack of jet packs.
  11. I'm not sure how long they should be paying for it (is forever an options?), but it should be at least as long as Sandusky was coaching there.
  12. I am not sure exactly what it would change specifically, but having CDC this time around seems like it might help.
  13. I think the old rule used to be that if you moved into the pitch and it would have been a strike, it would be called a strike. If it would have been a ball, it was called a regular ball. The new rule states that if you make a move to get hit (even if the ball is way off of the plate), it will be a called a strike.
  14. Living in the DC area, I end up seeing quite a few Nats games and I agree with the poll. They are too biased for the home team for my tastes. I generally agree with the article I post below, although I would note that it gets more annoying the more you watch. Sporting News Review of Nationals Broadcast from 2014
  15. As someone who watches mostly Cubs games, why does it seem like most of the teams have a list of 4+ announcers? Do they rotate announcers depending on the game or are all of them announcing every game?
  16. Sounds like a good change. We went to the A's game the Monday after the Texas-Cal game a couple of years ago and there seemed to be more stadium employees there than fans. Some guy sat down in our almost entirely empty section (we were second level - got the tickets for about $7) and there were two employees surrounding him asking for his tickets by the time he sat down. He stayed there for the entire hot-dog eating while pretending to not speak English, etc. By the time he left, there must have been at least 6 employees there discussing the situation.
  17. Damn kids are still not realizing the opportunity they are not properly valuing.
  18. “No two ways around”? I guess as long as there is one way around it, we should be fine.
  19. Mom went out to get some cigarettes... errr, to see a play.
  20. Is he claiming that Sumlin would just just left him passed out on the field?
  21. What does that have to do with A&M? Is maroon one of their colors?
  22. Only someone that's never been to the UT campus would suggest going to a dorm and taking "a peek through the parking lot."
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