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Texas Wahoo

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Everything posted by Texas Wahoo

  1. I was about to suggest that the biggest head already rolled.
  2. This might be the dumbest part of the whole thing. Why would you agree to be recorded when discussing this? Also, Applicant 1 must have really really wanted to go to Texas.
  3. Are there dipping dots and sbarro pizzas that are not in shopping malls (or shopping mall like places - airports, professional sports stadiums)?
  4. Like a nice English Basement, the best OTs have low floors and low ceilings.
  5. Just to be clear, is all of the current Collins worry coming from a quote from "the Other 98%" in which Collins states "“It was good just getting a one-on-one with the coaches and taking in a basketball game. . . . I like Coach Giles, he’s a good dude … he’s open and he’ll listen to you.”?
  6. He had some statements about CTE being unproven and that football is under attack and might bring down the entire country with it.
  7. As someone that lives close to the Arlington HQ2 plans, I welcome our Amazon overlords. As for the NYC deal, I can understand why they were unhappy, New York promised them a hell-of a lot more free cash than Virginia. At least most of the Virginia offerings were infrastructure improvements that they were going to do anyway and a new University campus that should benefit the area even without Amazon.
  8. If you had a couple of hundred million lying around, wouldn't you spend most of your time talking to Loochi?
  9. Only players from San Antonio count. Thems the rules.
  10. If we're guessing, I'll guess a bad case of mono.
  11. Yeah, but that was before he knew he may be Henry Hill's favorite under the radar QB prospect at the moment.
  12. Yes. They had a sign that said "Slicing through the cutting edge in #1 Meat Science Program." If I had access to Facebook here, I would post a picture of it.
  13. Having lived in the DC area for the last decade or so, I definitely see TAMU sweatshirts, etc. around, but you see people from pretty much any major university that is that big.
  14. No wonder Texas is his favorite, look at that depth chart. Not a single athlete or commit, while Alabama has 10 athletes and 2 commits.
  15. It is too soon for Bru to graduate? How many AP credits did he have?
  16. It has to be better than being one of the ducks.
  17. I don’t want to get into this dumb academic shit, other than to say both conferences have good schools and terrible schools, but I think you have Kansas in the wrong category.
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