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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. NYC is in phase 1b which is essentially people who have non-medical jobs with a high risk of exposure and people over 65. The second shots would be removed from phase 1a people who are primarily medical personnel. There are other logistical problems that don't fit Ana's narrative either since, in theory, eligible people could magically transport into a vaccine site. In reality, they are already having to retool registration because people over 65 haven't been able to figure it out. But once they figure it out, the doses still don't yet exist. The primary reason for releasing the numbers was to cajole more doses out of the distribution decision makers. They signed people up based on the expectation that NY state would continue to receive 300k doses a week. Now NY state receives 250k doses a week.. If they dont get at least the original distribution amount per week, they will be canceling both first and second dose appointments out of necessity. 0 doses equals 0 arms. Around 25k were canceled already. They are already making either/or decisions on who receives a vaccine, and there isn't anything sitting around more than a week. These are earmarked for existing appointments. It isnt a first come first serve line.
  2. FondrenRoad


    How is 3 years time even "stringent?" Seems to be a shitty ruling. Probably some caste info missing. The top castes can still do almost whatever they want to lower castes in spite of supposed modernization.
  3. Lately the problem is that the government doesn't work at all. It would be helpful if 40% of voters didn't vote for outright disfunction. It used to be a slow moving dinosaur, but now it's a dead dinosaur.
  4. Unless he wears a burlap sack and drives an 85 Pinto, he can't possibly represent the people.
  5. I would put those odds at about 99.9%. I wouldn't be surprised if there have already been multiple vaccine parties throughout the Trump and Kushner properties. And there have also probably been a bunch of shipments finding their way onto Aeroflot flights without seeing customs.
  6. Go back and respond directly to every sentence in that post. Otherwise just shut the fuck up.
  7. Under that, there is a real guy with a lot of knowledge who can provide a lot to this board. Sometimes like today I try to get him to be that real guy on here, but it never works out. He doesn't drop character until he's done the DVD commentary. So it's a waste of my time and yours. So I apologize to you for carrying this on.
  8. Ad hominem is only necessary because you ignore direct questions and avoid responding to statements for which you have no rebuttal. Then you post mostly bullshit like the post I am quoting here which really says absolutely nothing. The only thing worse than an ad hominem attack is the belief that pointing out the existence of the attack is a sufficient rebuttal. The conversation we are having here is pretty simple. You commented on a post about NY. You didn't know the overall numbers in NY. When I told you them, you ignored them because you don't want to now admit that people should actually be getting their 2nd dose this week from that 200k. You wouldn't even have to say you were wrong. You could just say you lacked the facts which would be true, but you can't even do that. If you wanted to talk about theory, you have to abandon the specific hill that you are trying to die on. You didn't comment on Florida or an APH locker. It doesn't make you less of a man to admit that NYC should administer second doses on schedule this week rather than sticking an entirely brand new 200k people. I've already said the model you desire has merit. I even said NYC was using it. Past tense. And it failed due to supply chain failures. So we could still have that theoretical conversation. Quit being a pussy.
  9. You're a "data" guy. How do you not know about Florida's reserves? Also reserves is the wrong term for them. They arent saving it purposefully. They are instead going full Florida on scheduling, distribution, and administration. I guess they expect people to pick it up from the warehouse themselves. I'll gladly have them ship them up to NY so we can "stick them in arms." Also someone who says shit like St Ouchy Fauci should really stfu about political positions. You are one of the most politically aligned people on this board. But I get it. You've posted 100 times now about NY and fuck all about FL even though you know all the "data." But when called on it, a meek "Florida is bad too" is heard. You claim to dislike Birx just as much as Fauci, but have also spent the last few pages blasting Fauci alone. Birx sometimes gets a tiny criticism when you get caught. That's pretty much your MO for every topic. Like I said, you do have good points sometimes, but you blew your credibility. It makes you entirely untrustworthy. You should create a sock and let him be the "data" guy. Qnastasis is a hack who drives things toward the right by attacking anything center left. And the q was a typo but it fits so I'm leaving it.
  10. Also while we are talking about NYC using theirs up, and having the gall to keep some ready for scheduled appointments this week, Florida is sitting on way more of theirs. You should take your "shots in arms" battle to them. If only "both sides" was actually true for you instead of just being a thinly veiled way to attack Democrats or the "left." Much like you seem to have given Fauci a pet name, but nothing so cute for Birx. Sure. Both sides. Fauci isn't even a Dem or leftist. He earned your ire simply because he insulted your godking. As for me, I'm lucky to be healthy and also able to work from home easily. I won't be eligible until the summer at the earliest no matter what happens to the limbo olds right now. I won't be in a big hurry even when I am eligible. May wait for my actual doctor to have it.
  11. Right, you said that. It will take 85 weeks for all NYC residents to get first shots at the current availability rate. I guess second shots will start in the 86th week. Is 86 weeks in your flexibility window? So answer the question. Which arm is more important? The one that needs a first dose or the one that needs a second dose? Dr Anastasis only gets 1 dose a day. Every day he gets 3 brand new patients and he sees a patient who needs a second dose. Who does he give his shot to each day? The drug company says they'll give him more doses in time but he used to get 2 and now he only gets 1 so can he be sure? The models you posted assume that some if not most 2nd doses will actually still occur. They assume a functional and increasing supply chain which doesn't currently exist. A measured approach is better until it does. NYC could sign up 5 mllion people tomorrow. They have 100k doses per week. This is the math you keep avoiding. There is already a 450k backlog of people awaiting a 2nd dose. Literally zero of them will get a second dose without one being reserved for a week. Some of them probably already won't get a second dose the way things currently look. And that number will only increase as you use up the weekly 100k for more first doses. Maybe instead, you think some people should get a 2nd dose and others shouldn't. How are you going to make that decision? I guess a zero priority method could work if it wasn't appointment based. And lines would eliminate most of the 2nd doses too. I can't imagine waiting in a week-long line in 30 degree weather twice. Personally, I would wait another whole year before I waited in that line even once. And yes, eventually there will be at least one single dose vaccine on the market. February is pretty optimistic. But if it does then great. The math tells me to wait for that one instead of getting caught in limbo with the current ones.
  12. In your last several posts you've slipped down the slope from, let the supply chain work because the second dose will be there when its needed, all the way down to we don't really need second doses anyway. The truth is that if you want second doses for anyone at all, you are going to need to reserve some for that given the current supply. And when I say "reserve", I dont mean that your second dose is held for you when you get your first. We are talking about less than a week here at most. At the current rate of production, if they get ahead more than they already have, there will be zero people who will receive a 2nd vaccine. And it will still take 85 weeks just to get everyone a first shot. You do know how many people live in NYC, right? You do also know that they followed your trust the supply chain suggestion and not only have you failed to increase the number of doses, you've actually decreased them. You also dont understand how humans behave. Turning away people who have appointments for a second dose will create a shitshow of animosity. Pushing back first appointments won't. Until you can prove that a single dose provides the same level of immunity as two doses, nobody is going to get back to life after just one dose that wasn't already painting the town red during the whole pandemic. The bottom line is that production needs to increase dramatically. The new take seems to be akin to, "I know we said you needed two before, and I know we said the second was important, but since we can only produce enough for one, we now say you only need one." That messaging will work really well. Hopefully, this will all be academic and the people who actually produce things in your industry will get things ramped up. That way we can have the increasing supply we were promised and get on the accelerated schedule we desire. Because even you, currently in full CYA mode, actually want 2 shots for everyone.
  13. There is a 450k backlog of people waiting for second shots in NY. There are 200k shots available for that and another 100k promised this week which will be split with first shots. Do the math. They have already gotten well out in front of it and given out a lot more 1st shots than the on-hand supply dictated. And now the supply chain is failing. NY State's allotment has dropped to 250k a week from 300k a week so NYC's share has dropped to 100k a week. In order to "get shots in arms," one must first have shots. For an alleged "data" guy, you are willfully ignorant of the actual numbers. They followed your plan and hoped that manufacturers would keep up. They set up 24/7 sites and have the staff ready to administer vaccines around the clock. But your plan is failing. At a time when total doses need to be increasing, they are actually decreasing. And this week, the first big second dose wave is scheduled to start. So why would you push them off only to add more piranhas waiting to eat at a continuously diminishing feed trough? Until you can deliver well more than 100k doses a week to NYC, this is what you are gonna get. It will take 170 weeks to vaccinate everyone fully at that rate. And right now, you are headed in the wrong direction. The whole point of the tweet is to guilt the supply chain to throw more their way. And it will work, but there still won't be enough to even come close to the desired schedule.
  14. And you have zero credibility because you have spent the entirety of your existence trying to ride the fence between "both sides." Whether you have a valid point now or not is irrelevant. You are about as trustworthy as Trump. Hopefully, you are a better person in real life. As for the 200k, should they cancel the second appointments which are currently happening? So tomorrow, they should tell those people to fuck off because the first shot people are more important? Let's make that backlog 650k instead of the 450k it currently is. Then when that additional 100k doses come in, I dont see why anyone should get a 2nd shot then either. No 2nd shots for anyone until everyone has a 1st shot. Anastasis overrides Pfizer's recommendations. Not because he actually thinks its better, but because he needs to be contrarian about something a Democratic politician tweeted. Go work on that supply chain. If thats your industry, then the buck stops with you. Ramp up supply and we don't even need to have this conversation. The whole point of NY posting the numbers is that there aren't enough doses. At all. Those 200k aren't getting wasted. They are being used. Maybe we should all get 1/10 of a dose instead. So everyone gets at least some. Some is better than none, right? We can't trust the supply chain. It has already proven itself untrustworthy.
  15. I get that you like to make out with your dog. That doesn't make it okay however.
  16. To be honest, I don't care much about elected officials residing in DC while voting in their home state. I'd grant their spouses the same leeway. They were elected specifically to represent their state or constituents in DC. But adult offspring that follow the gravy train should be residents of the location where they choose to live, whether DC/MD/VA. Same for staff, appointees, or bureaucrats. But also, once elected, you should be required to maintain your absentee residence in the same state where you resided when elected. You should not be able to randomly choose other states for residence or even change "official" residency addresses within your state. Your "official" residence on the date of your election should remain your "official" residence until you are no longer in office. Even if you are President and supposedly representing everyone.
  17. Again disagree. We have been at this for almost a year. Just be patient and do it right. No need to rush at this point. 2 weeks to a month of "wasted time" for people who haven't even started the process yet is nothing. Also keep in mind that NYC is already seeing second dose appointments. That 200k won't be sitting there anyway. Nobody is going to settle for a small risk reduction either. They are going to get back in line for both doses if their second dose isn't delivered on time. I'm also not sure why we should trust the supply chain when we can already see its stressed past its limit. Most of us lucky enough to be considered healthy and low risk probably won't even get a chance to get the vaccine until summer. Even if we get in the frenzy you desire, I could maybe get it in May if I go fuck around at Citi Field with 100k other people. Personally, I'd rather just wait a month longer.
  18. Disagree. Second doses should be held for that purpose. Otherwise, a future supply chain fuckup could send people already inoculated with a first dose back into the original line where they will now need to use 3 total doses rather than 2. People who haven't had a first dose can wait and reschedule. So what if someone is inconvenienced for an additional 2 weeks after they have already been inconvenienced for a year. Not as big a deal as wasting an already used first dose because you don't have a supply of second doses around. Patience is a virtue. Both for you and for the NYC officials bitching about running out.
  19. I don't give Birx any slack. She could have avoided criticizing Trump while giving matter of fact statements and still kept her job. Instead, she heaped praise on Trump's knowledge and response to the pandemic and that was both unnecessary and wrong. It is one thing to avoid criticizing your boss and another to actively slob his knob.
  20. The real problem for the GOP platform is that it never really decreases taxes all that much while providing almost no services with those taxes. With Dems, you get some ROI. With the GOP, you can't even get a bridge or highway funded. A good example is the EPA. It's budget has been largely unchanged through Obama and Trump. But Trump's EPA did almost nothing. If the GOP actually made federal income tax the bare minimum so that states could tax and fund local projects, they might have something.
  21. True patriots don't kneel for the US flag. They take it down and put up a Trump flag instead.
  22. I'm not sure why yall keep trying to downplay the venue. Even if the DC mob had no goals upon entry, violently entering the US capitol building while Congress is in session is several steps worse than violently entering an empty courthouse or burning down an evacuated police station. But they did have goals and those goals were worse too. They wanted to assassinate elected officials in order to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. So even if every BLM protestor set out for Portland with the explicit goal of killing a cop (they of course didn't have that goal), the DC insurrectionists were worse. The more ridiculous thing is someone with the name "Armybrat" is defending an attempted coup of the United States. I get that the participants were assclowns, and their plans had no chance of long term success even had they achieved their short term goals on January 6. But that doesn't change who they are. You are defending traitors. Not protestors. Not rioters. Not anarchists. Not cop killers. Traitors.
  23. They're cultists. In other cults, followers knowingly commit suicide. I'm not sure how many Trumpists still believe covid is fake. Most currently think its like the flu and don't want to wear masks because "freedom" because that is what Trump last told them to think. So it isnt a stretch to maintain those beliefs when a loved one gets sick. Its political because Trump is political and he is the cult leader. What they believe has changed over the last year due to his proclamations alone. He could have easily buried this last March by saying its real, its bad, and telling them to wear masks. And they would have followed. Just because you have people willing to drink your Kool aid, it doesn't mean you should start mixing it. He could have led them back into civilized society instead of away from it.
  24. Nope. We were supposed to have open enrollment for a new public option by yesterday when we were also supposed to be getting both rounds of covid vaccine. Biden was also supposed to fix the month wait time between injections. Bidens a failure!! And he hasn't fixed global warming!! Meanwhile every coal miner in America just starved to death this morning!! Plus China still exists and Biden wears a watch!!
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