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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Your honor, Chewbacca does not live on Endor. He lives on the Millennium Falcon. Even his attempt to distract you is factually incorrect. The prosecution rests.
  2. What? You mean that you didn't incite people to attack or receive blow jobs from Oklahomans because you yelled Texas Fight and OU sucks?
  3. Zero more presidents. We are on the brink of it already. Although, I suppose you could have an "aw shucks" Republican win without the popular vote and avoid a civil war. However, that type of Republican no longer exists. You'll only get the asshole "fuck you, its a mandate" type of republican from here on out. At least W tried to be everyone's President, and that's a necessity from someone who lost the popular vote.
  4. The powers of the House and Senate should be flipped entirely. Given the Senate makeup and mission, it should also be appointed by state governments rather than elected. It is the American equivalent of the house of lords.
  5. Do jurors also get to skip the entire trial and just show up at the end to vote guilty or not guilty?
  6. Or do it pseudo anonymously like we do on surly. People have no idea that you're actually Miley Cyrus.
  7. Marisnick benefitted from it? He couldn't even hit from a slow pitch machine when he was an Astro. If he knew what pitches were coming and still hit that poorly, he has no business playing pro baseball.
  8. American history will have been folded into the fallen empires of the industrial and information ages curriculum. While the Cold War dominated the global landscape during the middle and late 20th century, both of the key powers would no longer exist by the middle of the 21st century. 20th century historians believed that the USA had won the Cold War. Modern historians now all agree that Russia won the Cold War and place less focus on the devolution of the USSR. Russia, no matter the name it went by, had an almost unbroken chain of fascist leadership for 100 years through various country names. Its hard to imagine the currently sparsely populated Russia being a power, or that the many warring nations of North America were once one country. Or that the popular dive site of Miami was once a bustling city on land. But this is the reason why the remaining nations decided to implement strict laws against disinformation.
  9. Her acting was crap anyway. Like watching a piece of wood. They should have written her out for that regardless.
  10. Also, it will die on the vine just like other 3rd party efforts in modern history. Instead, they should encourage Trumpists to form the Patriot party they were threatening so that it can be the one to die out in less than a decade like the Reform party.
  11. Lindsey has always known what kind of man he likes. That man with presidential power was like love potion number 9 to Lindsey. Irresistible.
  12. Damn. What a dataset. It appears there's a pattern with countries that are well above their expected. Either third world or an authoritarian state. Oh, and us. You covered us with authoritarian state. No need to add the last sentence.
  13. Or the Mormon cabal that controls our government made Romney lay down cover today and it worked. Now the cabal can get back to its real business in secrecy.
  14. Truth. And even here, the discussion of such an incident would devolve into "stupid media and Fondren called it a machine gun. It's semi automatic. Libs know nothing about guns. And why do libs care about cops now? And who cares if he says the n word and wears a nazi armband. That's just stupid PC culture virtue signaling. Those are symbols of Southern pride. Always have been." And the Senate would absolutely still do nothing.
  15. Nothing is changing anything. It could be a video of Trump mowing down capitol police with a machine gun himself while wearing a nazi armband and shouting the n word. Wouldn't matter.
  16. Midterms often have an anti-President swing. However, Trump may have changed that. Trump voters dont show up when he isn't on the ballot. Also, he will still be energizing Democratic voters in 2022 so they may turn out again just like in 2018. I think it will be 2026 before Trump's presence or lack thereof isn't hugely influential on the election. Unless he runs in 2024, in which case he will keep a stranglehold on your party unti 2030. And as you said, the GOP already picked up most of the available districts. So it may really just come down to gerrymandering. Dems need to stop playing fair in their states until the GOP is ready to start playing fair in theirs.
  17. Right. He felt his age in a season he won the superbowl. Brady is easily the GOAT, but he isn't gonna go out gracefully. That isn't his personality type. He will put in 4 years of mediocre to crap football before he hangs it up. And he hasn't even gotten to year 1 of that yet.
  18. To be fair, it is pure Bama to fall back on a football argument. You have a decent school there. Don't damage that by bringing sports into the equation. Everyone knows yall cheat at sports. Doesn't affect academics.
  19. The movie Brazil is also awesome.
  20. He's hurt by game 3 what with the 10 to 15 carries per game from the QB spot. Nah. We have 43 year old Brady. He ain't running Herman's plays. The championship will be won in the huddle.
  21. Preaching to the choir. Mike Evans was the best college receiver when he made Manziel exist. And he's been a top pro receiver since. He and Godwin are probably the best 1 2 in the sport. Godwin would be number 1 on any other team almost. They are like two Mosses. And you have Gronk. And the generic slot receiver that Brady makes a star like Miller. And then you added Brown. Moss number 3. You weren't dogs, but you also know that Winston would not have won this title for you. And agree on RBs, sort of. That rested Fournette was big in the playoffs. But he should have been carrying the rock the whole season. The crazy thing is that, as good as your defense played today, it wasn't the best defense to play for Tom Brady.
  22. To add about football being a team sport. 2020 Tom Brady would have won the national title with the underachieving Texas Longhorns. He would have only managed a few wins with the Kansas Jayhawks, and may have been dead by the end of the season. But there are few other players that can make that type of difference.
  23. Of course. Its a team sport. The game was a healthy KC OL from being a shootout. Regardless, Jameis Winston could have this exact same TB team, plus the Brady followers like Gronk, and they dont make the superbowl much less win it. So while it is a team game, Brady is a difference maker. Is he the only one? No. Even in this game, I saw Mahomes make quite a lot of throws on the run while being hit. And I saw his receivers shit on his efforts. And I saw Brady operate in air conditioned comfort. Could you swap QBs and have Tampa still win? Absolutely. But I've also seen Brady win titles with New England teams that were spare parts. So while I agree that this TB team is easily in the top quarter of Bradys teams, and everyone on the team deserves their ring, we are also having this discussion about a guy that has enough championship teams to talk about them in quarters, and he put this team over the hump. At some point, it can't be a coincidence that Brady has lapped everyone else multiple times. The Patriots went 7-9 this year too. Same record as the Bucs last year. They just need a Tom Brady.
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