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luke duke

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Posts posted by luke duke

  1. 6 hours ago, Chuychanga said:

     You should get your AC checked out. As all the fancy business people arrive at your party the room will indeed tend  heat up, but your thermostat should reflect that and keep the AC on longer to still keep the room at 72 or whatever. 72 in an empty room is the same as 72 in a room full of people. If the AC is set to 72 and it heats up the 75 the unit is running and trying to cool it already, setting it to 68 doesn’t help that happen any sooner. 

    Are you really this dense?

  2. I'm thinking about pimping out a golf cart for a Christmas present for a relative. I want my kids to help me do it (teach them about hard work, flossin', and the art of giving). Has anyone done some golf cart or gator mods?
    ideas I'm considering:
    lift kit with sweet wheels
    geound lights
    fog lights
    back seat kit (where golf clubs go)
    paint job
    bask me in your knowledge!

    Add a stereo and some longhorns and you’ve described my cart.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. What's the consensus for the reverse sear method?  haven't tried it but looks intriguing...


    salt bath for an hour, rinse and dry, season with cracked pepper

    put in oven until internal temp of 125-130 (for med rare)

    let rest for 10 mins




    What temp do i set the oven at? 


    Kosher salt + coarse black pepper

    Put in oven. I use a cookie sheet with a rack.

    Cook until 115-120

    Rest until temp starts to drop



    My oven goes as low as 170. If I have time I’ll do that. If I have less time, I’ll go as high as 250. The higher temp that I cook at, the lower internal temp that I will pull the steak at. Higher oven temp means more internal temp rise during rest.


    That will be $9.95.

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