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Everything posted by stork642

  1. This thread is rock bottom. Damn.
  2. Tell us you just took a job working for Jerry Jones with out telling us you took a job working for Jerry Jones.
  3. Didn’t you know that Aggie has a 10 yr head start. We’ll never catch those sly bastards. I’m thinking like an Aggie now bear with me. If Texas wins the secsec before colley it’s because the league was so watered down by adding Texas & OU. Aggie logic is both mysterious and perfectly simple.
  4. Are you a woodcock expert? Welcome Brenen. .
  5. There is no clearer evidence of just how badly this loss is affecting Fat Sweaty Pussy Pat than him trying to insinuate that using your best player too much to win a game is somehow beneath this him. Total pos.
  6. This was my standard strategery back in my single days.
  7. Is this Joey Freshwater’s sister?
  8. Lincoln Riley uses second harvest beans in his chili.
  9. Did you miss the whole part where she was grinding on his lap? Good luck with a sexual assault claim. Urban clearly did this on purpose to eject from the Jax job. Even he knew he couldn’t fake another medical condition.
  10. The best part is the coach who demands personal accountability from his players blames group of people next door for his strange groping.
  11. He knows it smells like burnt couch. Everything in Columbus does.
  12. After seeing this I’m really shocked he didn’t handle that Zack Smith situation better. Let’s not be so quick to judge who of us can say with a straight face the we haven’t hung out with the grandkids and then immediately go grind on some couch burning strange. We’ve all been there.
  13. Lincoln Riley enjoys the prep for colonoscopies.
  14. Lincoln Riley walks up to strangers and says “would you look at that” over and over.
  15. Lincoln Riley set the fire at the Renesas chip factory.
  16. Lincoln Riley always goes to the middle urinal and asks how everyone’s doing. Lincoln Riley is certain OJ will find the real killer. Lincoln Riley loves hairless cats.
  17. Lincoln Riley’s favorite vacation spot is Wuhan, China.
  18. Lincoln Riley drives a PT Cruiser with the stick family sticker that includes their dogs and cats.
  19. Rattler will play awful and get pulled and the OU backup will come in and keep it close but Horns win.
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