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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. CSB incoming . . . In late Feb of 2020 - just before the Covid shutdown - I visited Texas and in one day drove from Ft. Worth to Lubbock and then to Marfa (if you haven't already figured it out, I'm a loon). I got to Ft. Stockton around 8:40pm-ish and figured if I was going to have a drink that night I'd better find a liquor store since everything in Marathon, Alpine, and Marfa metroplex would probably be closed by the time I got there. I found a place that sold wine but as I perused the shelves it occurred to me that most of it was some kind of low alcohol, almost Holy Communion grade wine. The only recognizable brand was 19 Crimes, which I wouldn't but at home for any reason. Period. I bought it that night. When I got to my AirBNB in Marfa I opened the bottle and had a glass or two (did you notice I didn't say "enjoyed?"). I read the label and the "19 Crimes" part refers to the crimes in England that would get you shipped out to Australia. Making that wine should be a crime and whoever makes it should be in jail.
  2. No, that's the Presley Viva Las Vegas model. I think Rogers is wearing a Shatner Turbo 2000.
  3. It's ruled targeting, the guy gets tossed, tech drives the length of the field and scores in :30 seconds. 17-14
  4. 17-7 KSU with less than a minute left to half. Refs are reviewing what looks like a targeting call that caused a Tech fumble inside their 30.
  5. 30 has a clean shot at the QB and has to grab his face mask. Both these teams should lose.
  6. Damn, I leave the room for one minute an TN throws an int in the EZ.
  7. Is that like the third or fourth time the aggy QB has thrown the ball falling backward? That will result in a pick 6 someday soon.
  8. Never mind. Return it for a TD. He fielded that on the 39 yard line.
  9. A&M looks like a train wreck and Tenn seems to move the ball at will, yet aggy still ahead 10-7.
  10. I'm sure that PI has gotten TexAgs to melt down.
  11. I was told these guys played this song at Jones Stadium after a Tech - UH game sometime in the late 1980s. After the "Houuuu-stun" part the students would yell out "SUCKS!" That's all I got.
  12. I always hated the idea of being in the SEC until I realized my future would include only occasional Big XII officiated games.
  13. So far Tenn has shot themselves in both feet in the last two drives.
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