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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. https://www.facebook.com/DudeDadVlog/videos/835306557035030
  2. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anti-choice-attorneys-want-thousands-of-abortion-providers-and-donors-personal-information_n_65171fa8e4b08e1d3e4d3c83
  3. I'm calling my shot. Our beloved yet unranked Ags would route this 953 Views | 6 Replies | Last: 1 min ago by texAZtea SBISA Victim 4:50p AG #3 (LMFAO) ranked wHorn team if they played today. greg.w.h In reply to SBISA Victim • 4:51p AG So…Kansas wins again in Austin??? Pluralizes Everythings In reply to greg.w.h • 4:53p greg.w.h said: So…Kansas wins again in Austin??? Kansas just shot themselves in both feet with that fumble on 4th & 1. Anyone who chooses to ride a bicycle in the street is a threat to themselves, and others. If a vehicle strikes you accidentally, YOU are at fault; and the laws of physics supercede all else when you're in the path of a 2 ton killing machine. Know your place, stay off the road. Martin Cash 4:54p AG Which route? Ginormus Ag 4:55p AG We will never beat the sips and the SEC refs if the game is within 21 points. Bookmark this post DGrimesAg92 In reply to Ginormus Ag • 5:37p This 100%!! There's a reason Texas is propped up. A higher ranked, successful Texas team is big big big bucks for the SEC. Their schedule is laughable at best. The only team they've played, with a pulse, is Alabama and they sucked. Get ready for this bull**** to continue, we've (folks born before 2000) have witnessed the most absolutely one sided bull**** you'll ever see with those cheating *******s. Just remember youngs, you asked for this.
  4. Literally the first time I've ever seen PK on TV.
  5. Hopefully it doesn't take falling behind to get anyone fired up.
  6. Yeah, I don't like how this game is shaping up.
  7. House Passes Short-Term Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown With Hours To Spare; Ukraine Money Cut A GOP bill to keep the government open dropped border security demands, which helped attract bipartisan support.
  8. There's a one post thread on Texags about praying for an injured player.
  9. Who Likes this team 601 Views | 12 Replies | Last: 27 sec ago by Funky Winkerbean offenseguru 1:54p AG This is a squad with a lot to like. A lot. U *****es gtfo. Jimbo has built it. It's built to win in the sec It's built to run and stop run and pass within a system that has lots of build and progression and looks. It's Arkansas but we r a problem for a lot of people. We are imposing our will on both sides. Did y'all ever think maybe we have to grow into blitz looks and weren't going to show that against Miami and weren't ready in learning curve yet. We make a lot of mistakes. So what. This is getting to as close to a complete team as we have had in Aggieland. 14 PA24 1:56p AG I agree with OP 2 NavyVetAg 1:57p aunuwyn08 1:57p AG Praying this is the truth, God I just want to win big 3 1 edit SpeedyAg93 1:58p AG I don't totally disagree. However, this is kind of enthusiasm you get with a game that starts at 11 AM and everyone starts drinking at 9:30. 1 texAZtea 1:59p AG Are you saying we chose to withhold a part of our game that may have allowed us to beat Miami? So take an L to avoid having to game plan better in the future? Sounds beta.
  10. I have known in some capacity, a number of people who always have a back pocket mortal sin (swearing, don't go to church, DUI, weed, divorced) that if another person commits or has committed in the past, they go from human being to worthless garbage in the blink of an eye.
  11. Dude, you negged photos of the Uvalde children. When you sober up you should apologize on this thread. Just say you're a mean drunk (it looks that way) and you don't have any other way to get attention from anyone other than act like an ass on line. Tell your family you need help.
  12. https://www.mediamatters.org/google/mike-davis-were-gonna-put-kids-cages-its-gonna-be-glorious
  13. Is this Kaitlin Butts? I hope it is.
  14. Time to update the thread title. So Newsome is going to appoint her replacement. He caught a lot of flak when Kamala was replaced by whoever he replaced her with. Should be interesting.
  15. I guess this goes here. I kind like this gal: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxwFfrrxd5r/?hl=en
  16. Barber: What 'chu want? Customer: Gimme "The Microphone" Barber: Say no more.
  17. He's a the first man to ever survive a double caterpillar eyebrow transplant. Why do you ask?
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