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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. I have to say Dak's moxie on that scramble surprised me.
  2. Game is not on TV in my area, and that might be a good thing . . . That 13.5 pt line looking a little more doable now.
  3. Dammit! I forgot to check the website: https://www.doadb.com/ I also forgot he died.
  4. DO YOU LIKE INCOMPLETE PASSES? Yes? Then I would recommend turning to the Jets/Pats game.
  5. I have a masters degree from Tech and don't even know who these people are. It seems like every decision they make is not based on any kind of thought process about football but rather keeping their big money boosters and fans happy. Well, guess what: you don't win games, then people aren't going to be happy. Had that Chancellor not gotten all butt hurt about getting out maneuvered in contract negotiations by Mike Leach and drummed up some bogus accusations in order to fire him, Leach might still be there. That set off a revolving door of coaches I've lost track of. They seemed to have arrived at the idea that there's enough coaching acumen (white guys who coached HS) in the area west of Ft. Worth to Amarillo to Midland (and maybe Odessa). Reminds me of the time someone joked that David McWilliams thought you could win with guys from Wink, Texas. Turns out, you can't. I'm tentatively planning on going to Thursday night game on November 2 when TCU comes to Lubbock. Haven't seen a game there in ages.
  6. The part about Shough breaking a bone in each of the last three years kinda jumps out at me. Some QBs (like Colt) really shouldn't be running the ball.
  7. Every time i see this thread bumped I expect to open it and see he's dropped out. (But he ain't dropping out. He's waiting until Trump gets convicted for his moment to shine).
  8. Bullneck

    tOSU at ND

    Yeah, right. Like when does that ever happen?
  9. So, I have an idea. Let's not have anyone back to field punts. Just let the ball roll dead and send out the offense. Who's in?
  10. The end game couldn't be more obvious. Nothing but uneducated morons walking around with no ability to better themselves through education and unable to use collective bargaining to make a living wage. So, they work as slaves with no reproductive rights, health insurance, or retirement other than what's already on the books (and Rick Scott and Trump have said they want to take away). Sounds like paradise for someone.
  11. Holy shit that "Golden Bachelor" ad. They need to dump that and go for the "The Bachelor: Sugar Baby Edition."
  12. Question from someone who last saw a game in Waco at Floyd Casey: do they still have a bear that drinks Dr. Pepper?
  13. Yeah, that's a bit like castrating a steer on the 50 yard line the day before your football game. But Lanning giving me Herman vibes with his brashness.
  14. Damn, check the thread next time! (deleted)
  15. So far, my prayers are answerd. Also, Jett Bush sounds like made up "Texas" name. Jett Rink + George Bush.
  16. I haven't seen much about the new head coach except to say he seems to spend more time talking about how much he loves Lubbock and working the West Texas country boy angle. He's all in on the "identity" stuff, but not much of a technician. Somewhere along the line he'll need to get in touch with whatever is lacking in their play.
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