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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Barber: What 'chu want? Customer: Gimme "The Microphone" Barber: Say no more.
  2. He's a the first man to ever survive a double caterpillar eyebrow transplant. Why do you ask?
  3. I don't think you do either. Is your name Jason Smith by any chance?
  4. It's not really a meltdown so much as the Mizzu Republican doesn't know any of the purported facts or how they relate or how they prove any kind of case. But who can blame him? 700 pages is a lot of pages!!!! It would all be cleared up if Biden and his family would come and testify. I assume we're having a shutdown and troops won't get paid because of this thinking.
  5. What are the existing laws? I don't even know. Did the existing laws get us to where we are now? Should we change our laws to reflect the desires of the majority of Americans?
  6. You have solutions to that dark human tragedy? I'm betting it involves locking non-violent offenders away for life in for-profit jails.
  7. I've heard the typical tax assessment is set at 85% of what is considered "fair market value."
  8. This is the judge in the NY fraud case. Not all heroes wear capes:
  9. Reposting the video as it's pretty damned funny but is just a blank space in the OP.
  10. https://www.wwno.org/the-debris/2015-06-08/katrina-the-debris-green-dot The Urban Land Institute developed a plan for New Orleans that advocated for letting nature reclaim parts of New Orleans. To say that it was politically unpopular is an understatement. Coincidentally, today I happened to Google "build water pipeline across the U.S." thinking about the drought conditions in the West. Didn't get a chance to read what came up before I got interrupted.
  11. Since no one else repped this: I've heard that without bugs (especially bees) our food supply would be seriously threatened.
  12. Good lord, some of these comments. She's not the second coming of Dick Butkus but good for her for playing a game. For fun. With two kids playing sports I've seen all levels of ability. I've seen the best athletes in the country in their sport play a few feet in front of me. I've also seen players that are - to be polite - late starters, who might, if they stay after it keep playing through their youth and throughout their life. But you'll never see them at the US Open.
  13. Cowboys offense has 1/10th the innovation Sark's offense has.
  14. To film that "Sack" commercial on Fox someone called Central Casting and requested they send over some people that "looked like assholes."
  15. I have to say Dak's moxie on that scramble surprised me.
  16. Game is not on TV in my area, and that might be a good thing . . . That 13.5 pt line looking a little more doable now.
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