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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. In other news, 57,000 Americans and over a million Vietnamese died in our little thing over there in the '60s and '70s. BUT, Apocalypse Now is a bad ass movie, so all good!!!!!
  2. Nadine Menendez should be arrested for wearing those pants. (can't find them online).
  3. I have concluded from this lively internet interchange that you are not particularly intelligent.
  4. This news release is five days old. It took the lawsuit nine nine years to conclude, so it doesn't seem as if the school was very proactive in doing the Christian thing: Years ago the president of OU said, "we're building a university our football team can be proud of." If you think this is limited to the athletic department you're sorely mistaken. The dog wags the tail, not the other way around.
  5. /Cosmo Oh, you're missing something all right /Kramer
  6. Raise your hand if you've visited the pyramids. THE REAL ONES. THE COLD ONES, LIKE FUCKING PYRAMID OF BUD ICE. Yeah, that's what I figured. Buncha pikers and $30,000 millionaires with fake Rolexes and leased BMWs in here.
  7. When they issue a statement of apology, pay restitution to the victims, and purge anyone connected. The buildings won't ever change, but the behavior and people have to. There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
  8. Voted for Baylor for obvious reasons. Sport is a nice diversion and all, but shouldn't have the ability to ruin the lives of innocent bystanders. Not just with the Briles rape stuff, but how about falsely accusing a player of murder. (Edit: forgot about the animal torture). Okie State should be there just for the game fixing.
  9. I totally believe her. Just guys calling for "Lisa" but if "Lisa" is busy, they might say "Just get me someone with big boobs on Saturday night at 11pm." In the video, the Franklin alderman claims she was trying to finish up college at Southern Methodist University when she took a job answering phones for what she thought was a modeling and casting agency. "I answered the phone, I took a name, I took a number and a date," Hanson says. "At the end of my work session, I would call the owners and give them that information." She claims she had no idea it was an escort service until police came calling. As a result, Hanson says, she agreed to take a plea for a single charge under a "deferred adjudication," which allows first-time offenders to avoid convictions. "My punishment for the deferred adjudication was 'do not live in Dallas for two years,' because they knew I was leaving. I said, 'No problem, because I don't ever want to live in Dallas again after this experience'," Hanson said. That's when she says she moved to Chicago.
  10. Someone recently mentioned these fine boys and I couldn't remember the names until another poster named them. A little Binging reveals interesting an update: Attorney General James Wins Lawsuit Against Conspiracy Theorists Who Used Threatening Robocalls to Intimidate Black Voters March 8, 2023 Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman Orchestrated a Large-Scale Robocall Campaign to Suppress the Vote in Black Communities Ahead of the 2020 Election NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James issued the following statement after a federal judge ruled in her favor in a lawsuit against Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, two notorious conspiracy theorists for their efforts to suppress Black voters ahead of the 2020 election: “Your vote is your voice, and I am proud that today the court ruled in our favor to uphold the most important cornerstone of our democracy. Wohl and Burkman engaged in a disgraceful campaign to intimidate Black voters, using threats and lies to keep them from making their voices heard in an attempt to secure the election for their preferred presidential candidate. I will always stand fierce in defense of New Yorkers’ right to vote, and anyone who attempts to take away that right will be met with the full force of the law.” Attorney General James filed a lawsuit against Wohl and Burkman in May 2021 after an investigation by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) found that Wohl and Burkman, while hiding behind their sham organization “Project 1599,” violated state and federal laws by orchestrating robocalls to threaten and harass Black communities through disinformation, including claims that mail-in voters would have their personal information disseminated to law enforcement, debt collectors, and the government. The Wohl and Burkman robocall campaign, which reached approximately 5,500 New Yorkers, sought to undermine and interfere with the then-ongoing efforts by the state of New York to fairly and safely administer its elections during the COVID-19 crisis and protect its citizens from voter intimidation and harassment. Damages and relief will be determined at a later date. In August 2022, Attorney General James announced a settlement with robocalling platform Message Communications for its role in sending out the illegal robocall designed by Wohl and Burkman. The OAG litigated this case alongside co-plaintiffs comprised of voters who received the robocall and the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, all of whom are being represented by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the law firm of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. This case is being handled by Assistant Attorney General Colleen K. Faherty, Special Counsel for Hate Crimes Rick Sawyer, and Legal Support Analyst Miriam Li under the supervision of the Civil Rights Bureau. The Civil Rights Bureau is a part of the Division for Social Justice, which is led by Chief Deputy Attorney General Meghan Faux and under the oversight of First Deputy Attorney General Jennifer Levy.
  11. If she's wearing a bikini tomorrow I predict there won't be a quorum.
  12. Slightly off topic (well, really, really off topic) but I see Adrian Peterson is going to be on Dancing with the Stars.
  13. My sole observation about this tweet is how the trooper seems intent on brushing off Vince Young.
  14. Is this supposed to be some kind of "both sides" argument?
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