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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. I don't have time for it right now but you can scan this for the OU punter going to one knee to field the snap (they punted only 4 times). The ball should have been downed right there.
  2. A week ago we were 5-0, #3 and CR was mostly making fun of Boobert and MGT. The phone, the TV, and the news of the world got in the house like a pigeon from Hell.
  3. Tulane defense seems contact averse.
  4. Twitter video of the Hamas attack. WARNING: It's as bad as you've heard.
  5. Nice looking doggie! (also, that exercise equipment looks rather dusty)
  6. "Coach Tommy Tuberville" hit the trifecta of Hunter Biden's laptop, blaming Democrat, and WMDs in Iraq. And the Russian Hoax. Quadfecta.
  7. Relax, everyone in Wales is safe.
  8. BY JAKE OFFENHARTZ Updated 6:26 PM EDT, October 10, 2023 Share NEW YORK (AP) — A new indictment filed Tuesday charged U.S. Rep. George Santos with stealing the identities of donors to his campaign and then using their credit cards to ring up tens of thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges. Prosecutors said some of that stolen money ended up in his own bank account. The 23-count indictment replaces one filed earlier against the New York Republican charging him with embezzling money from his campaign and lying to Congress about his wealth, among other offenses. The new charges include allegations that he charged more than $44,000 to his campaign over a period of months using cards belonging to contributors without their knowledge. In one case, he charged $12,000 to a contributor’s credit card and transferred the “vast majority” of that money into his personal bank account, prosecutors said.
  9. Welp, maybe he'll vote for some aid to Israel, since he's Jew-ish.
  10. I think Germans disavow Mien Kampf and Hitler. Do you think Hamas does the same with their charter?
  11. I think Brisket covered what your'e asking: giving the Palestinians what they want in hopes they behave and don't kill all Jews. I don't see anyone taking that gamble. A few pages ago I pasted the Hamas founding principles of "let's kill the Jews." "Says it right here. You get nothing. Good day, sir."
  12. I heard someone on the radio today comparing them to ISIS.
  13. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-1967-border-the-quot-green-line-quot
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