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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Bullneck

  1. 38 minutes ago, slorch said:

    What if you back out Chi-town, St Louis and Nawlins?


    oh and 40.000+ deaths from automobiles last year.  Put everyone on a golf cart.  It would make me feel so much more secure.

    Any reason you picked those particular cities?

    If other people die from something else, is it OK to sit on your hands?

  2. 4 hours ago, SpiralOut said:

    What rock have you been living under? 

    The government has implemented a horde of gun laws, many specifically regarding "assault rifles."  Which, in the grand scheme of things, is rather pointless considering it doesn't stop people from shooting places up and focuses on the ultra minor number of attacks with rifles when there is an ocean of attacks with handguns.

    You seem like a smart guy, Bull.  You even refer to yourself in the third person in your posts, a sure sign of a "stable genius."  So tell us, buddy, exactly what law or laws is going to stop mass shootings? 

    What l laws has any government implemented against assault rifles?  That you know of off the top of your head.  I'm not asking you for research.  Just a few (since there's a "horde.")

  3. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    Patrol the road more and make the fines as extreme as the crime necessitates, but we aren't taking people's cars away, right?


    What I said in my original email was that the legal speed limit was too high.  So lower the legal speed limit so that you can drive the road safely with the law.  



    1 minute ago, slorch said:


    I am in support of extreme legislation towards CRIMES committed with guns.  That does not include simple possession.

    By the time a crime has been committed someone has been killed.  

  4. 4 hours ago, SpiralOut said:

    Assault rifles are the low-hanging fruit that's easy to go after because they look scary and like stuff the military carries.

    The overwhelming majority of shootings aren't mass shootings.  The overwhelming majority of people get shot with handguns, not rifles of any kind.


    So we should do nothing to stop mass shootings with assault rifles?  

  5. 25 minutes ago, slorch said:

    So if the perp had a legally purchased handgun, none of your suggestions affect anything except other people's liberty.

    Let's say people keep dying on one stretch of highway.  Every police report says it's excessive speed.  There is an accident -- the latest one -- but it doesn't involve excessive speed. It doesn't matter that only the last death was caused by something else than excessive speed, the speed limit signs should be lowered.   Seems reasonable, right?

    Now replace "speed" with "guns."  Suddenly it's not reasonable anymore!

    25 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Great post.  We have to do SOMETHING, right?

    More of the same gets you more of the same.

    Let me ask you a question:  How many people would have to die before you say, you know, maybe Bullneck is right?  Eventually we'll hit your number.   

  6. 1 hour ago, Zepol87 said:


    Because am idiot asking about Mexico's gun laws is really relevant as well


    If you're talking to me you should know already that what happened today is already in the past.  It can't be changed.  So after we get past the shock and outrage portion, the next thing we ALWAYS turn to is, "how can it be stopped?" 


    I replied to Dagger Horn's remark about Mexico's gun laws, none of which I think is relevant. But he asked. Try to keep up.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DaggerHorns said:

    You’re right, it so fucking simple! I’m glad you figured it out.

    Ask Mexico about their strict gun laws.

    It is simple.

    Since you seem to know a lot about Mexico's gun laws, what exactly are they?  Question: does Mexico enforce their gun laws?

  8. 1 hour ago, Jkwellborn said:

    You’d think laws against murder would be enough.

    You could think that but you'd be wrong.  Tougher gun control laws are the answer.  Background checks.  Limits on magazines.  No assault rifles. 

    All you have to do is look at the countries that allow gun ownership but don't have runaway shootings and the answer is pretty simple.

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    They’ve won or been close to winning the National Championship the last 10 years. The attention is warranted 



    24 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    ESPNU broadcasting replay BAMA vs Mercer replay tonight.....REALLY


    Yesterday they broadcasted 2017 BAMA vs Florida State Game

    And they have a 4 part BAMA Series called "Training Days: Rolling with the Tide"...... Ran thru all of August...... C'MON MAN.  😠  




    I've been looking for EPL games the last two mornings and surprised at the number of Bama/SEC shows I hit.  Not saying it's right or wrong but that 1 second delay it takes for my cable box to move the to next channel was torturous.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, horn_of_the_morning said:

    What are the chances Hawaii 70% of college football gets better qb play than UT this year?


    (Just kidding.  I think Erlinger has a lot of potential.  And hope Buechelle sticks around though I don't think he'll play much.  But who knows).

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