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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Bullneck

  1. 3 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    Jesus H Christ on a polywog, you'd think that fucking town would have learned from the last time they attempted this kind of dumbfuckery.

    Ten Cent Beer Night
    Date June 4, 1974
    Time Evening
    Location Cleveland Stadium,
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Cause Fan animosity from previous game combined with low-point beer being sold cheaply and liberally (10 cents per cup, up to 6 cups at a time)
    Participants Cleveland Indians and Texas Rangers baseball clubs, several thousand inebriated attendees
    Outcome Rangers/Indians game forfeited to Texas
    Non-fatal injuries Various players, officials, and fans (exact count unknown)
    Property damage Damage to the field of Cleveland Stadium; bases stolen, never returned
    Suspect(s) 9 fans arrested
    Charges Disorderly conduct


    Interesting "box score."

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    The elephant in the room is our west side upper deck.  It really breaks the continuity of things and isn't easily integrated in.  

    I've heard the idea was to put a matching upper deck on the east side but that fell apart.  Anyone know anything about this?



  3. 4 hours ago, Orca of Peace said:


    I'm thinking being decent looking has bought Millie Weaver the benefit of the doubt due to a lot of guy's horniness in the past.  And being excused from checking facts herself.

  4. 7 hours ago, American Swindle said:

    What if he is truly seeking peace? 

    If the answer is yes, then he's doing a lot more than all the other assclowns in Congress aside from a select few in my opinion.  

    We are already at peace.  And there is really no threat of war, unless Trump creates it out of nothing.  And BTW, it's the president's job to lead foreign policy.

  5. 7 hours ago, Mole said:

    Maybe this where the disconnect is. I tend to see information and ideas as something more than a commodity. We have a much greater responsibility to get this right than we do getting the right desk lamps in Target. There might be a line where removing someone from every major social media platform would be a public good long-term, but it makes me very uncomfortable. This probably isn't the start of a dystopian hellscape, but those movies tend to start with similar moves. 

    I'd bet that this will be a positive financially for Alex Jones - I'd bet his believers are now fully committed true believers - but I think we should look at this beyond Alex Jones. He already has his platform. If I put a giant chalkboard in my front yard and invited everyone to write whatever they want on it, I'd still have the right to erase whatever I want since it's my chalkboard. If over time, my chalkboard became the primary/only source of local information in my little town, my right to erase would become pretty powerful. If I then banned someone and told them they are free to buy their own chalkboard, I'd have that right, but I would have essentially silenced them. I don't see that as a positive even if no one's rights were violated. 

    And if this is the beginning of the end of reptilian shape-shifter conspiracy videos, the world just got a little darker.

    Your post misses some basic logic.  He can say what he wants, when he wants.  The free megaphone just got taken away.  Apparently that makes you sad for some reason.  Why don't you involve yourself in something useful rather than listening to made up garbage?

  6. 10 hours ago, SpiralOut said:

    What would be nice is for those same companies to kick a few of the leftist hate mongers off as well.  Don't turn Alex fucking Jones of all people into a martyr for the nutjobs on the right.  All of them getting rid of him in a day while terrorists still have Twitter accounts, people preaching hate against whitey on their YT channels stay up, etc. is just asking for trouble.

    Prove that this really is a move to limit shitty people and not just politically motivated.  Otherwise, you've just given crazy-town someone they can rally around while making it look like you're just using your rules/policies as a political tool.

    This isn't about keeping score.

  7. 2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    feelin' cute

    might delete later



    Wow, how sad.  Poor guy.  He's much worse off that the families of the Sandy Hook shooting he lies about.  

  8. 6 hours ago, Buzzrock said:


    What do you suggest be done? Russians have meddled in elections since before the Internet. So have we. It’s part of the game. We should probably do it more.


    You can't let a foreign government meddling in the single most important country in history's elections.  Don't play games with democracy.

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