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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. He’s right and I agree with him. What on earth makes you believe anything changes? He’s untouchable among his base, which includes most elected republicans.
    I'm leaning this way, too. A good friend of mine--smart, TexasEx, successful in sales, animal rights advocate--is a full on Trump supporter. Several of us were discussing this recently & when confronted with Trump's racist underpinnings she simply replied that his personal failings were not a priority for her. She wants lower taxes/elimination of inheritance tax. That's it. Nothing else matters.
  2. That's Trump's fiscal policy on full display. Getting lambasted for a $90mm parade that even your supporters are turning against? Ok, cancel it. But let's go by some bitching jet fighters instead! So much for fiscal conservatism.

    Although I'm laughing at the thought of him believing he can buy multiple fighter planes for $90mm.

    • Like 4
  3. Upper crust white mom sending first child off to college. This week has been nothing but dorm room pics and posts about the stress of sorority rush. But don't worry, gals. God will put you in the right sorority. The triple bonus? The daughter is going to ou sucks 0d727de5deb2b2a85692485de96d8f1d.jpg

  4. 3 hours ago, Doc Reeves said:

    Bullshit. This isn’t being snobby. Crap is crap. 


    This move reeks of desperation.

    You sound like the architects on my current project. Only THEY know what is right. Screw your needs.

    Who gives a shit if someone with ridiculous money wants to spend it for useless seats that are damn near basement level? Demand doesn't mean desperation. People have indicated that they WANT those seats in suites that 99% of the people will never even notice exist during a game.  And if CDC can guarantee millions in donations to fund the expansion without needing to twist an arm then yeah...that's a no brainer.


  5. The dumbest thing about this is the field level luxury suites.
    Those are the absolute worst seats in the entire stadium.
    They will bring in a shit ton of money from well heeled people who aren't worried about sightlines or screaming their lungs out on the 50 yard line. They're going to spend tens of thousands a year in order to see the players & coaches run by them 3 times a game. The rest of the time they'll watch the action on big screens while eating, drinking and schmoozing clients. It ain't rocket surgery.
  6. Citizen Kane is No. 80???
    No. No it's not. It will never be out of the top 5 at any time. Two things anyone who loves films should do are
    1) see CK on the big screen
    2) watch the collecors' edition disc with audio commentary from Roger Ebert and Peter Bogdanovic

  7. This is a 15 year (maybe) fix. DKR will always be a work in progress. Three things it checks off:

    1. Better facilities for players
    2. Improved seating in SEZ
    3. More lux box income

    And those scoffing the Longhorn feature in the SEZ need to recalibrate to how awesome that will look with great lighting and drone footage during a night game in particular. That's gif fucking central right there.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:


    I don’t think anyone is too old for goonies.


    Never seen Goonies. I was 16 when it came out. Never saw the need but I know people are passionate about it.

    There's no need to ever see any of the Twilight shit unless your wife guarantees you special sexual favors in perpetuity for putting up with that shit. But if she does, be warned she'll double down when you're visiting Olympic National Park & forces you to drive to Forks, WA where the shit is supposed to take place. It's a long ass drive to a nothing fucking town with nowhere good to eat (but you can at least pull into ONP at numerous points along the way). 

    I'm wondering how many of those who've admitted to not having seen Citizen Kane, Casablanca, The Godfather, etc. have ever heard of "slightly" smaller films like The Graduate, Cool Hand Luke, The Searchers, Midnight Cowboy, Bonnie & Clyde, Double Indemnity, etc.

    Y'all need TCM in your lives.

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