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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Any of you Cedar Park surlsters (huh?) looking to attend the Beers for Beto at the Dig Pub next Wednesday feel free to PM me. I'll be there with my Twilight loving bride. Looking like a top 3 event (one other person might get that reference).



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  2. Don't have kids so there are very few "kids" animations we've seen. None of the Toy Story, Shrek, etc. Did see Bolt & Up (loved both).

    I'm shocked how many times The Godfather is showing up. I bet I've seen episodes I and II at least once a year over the last 30 years. And my viewings of Casablanca & Citizen Kane exceed that. They are simply perfect art.

    Somebody said they'd never seen Goodfellas which is almost more shocking. Marty losing the Best Director/Film Oscars to Costner/Dances With Wolves is ALMOST as criminal to losing to Redford/Ordinary People with Raging Bull.

  3. Years ago I wash having a convo with a friend 10 years younger than me. I was talking about the summer movie series at the Paramount & how Casablanca & Citizen Kane were being screened on back to back weekends. She said she'd never seen them & never would because she refused to watch anything in B&W.

    We weren't friends much longer.

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  4. Element is the Best Buy brand, right?

    Yep. Basically a disposable TV assembled in America from cheap APAC parts. I bought a 32" one last year at Best Buy. Wanted something for the patio that I wasn't going to mount & could throw inside a deck cabinet when not in use. Hundred bucks. Laughed in the face of the cashier who tried to sell me the extended service plan.


    Sucks to see they're being decimated by this trade war of Trump's making. 126 assembly jobs in S Carolina is nothing to sneeze at. But lib tears and all.


  5. Wow. And I thought I was gonna be an outlier. Js1 is living on the (outer) edge.


    I still haven't seen all of Groundhog Day.

    Very few Robin Williams comedies (Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, Patch Adams, etc). As gifted as he was as a comedian I never connected with him as a comic actor. IMHO he was a MUCH better dramatic actor. Loved him in Insomnia, One Hour Photo, and particularly Awakenings.

  6. Going on record with the "big" (popular/acclaimed) movies you've never seen & likely never will


    Any Adam Sandler film with the exception of PTA's Punch Drunk Love

    Dumb & Dumber

    The Sound of Music,  West Side Story, La La Land or pretty much any musical not named Singing in the Rain or Holiday Inn

    Not a single Fast & Furious, Transformers, or (new) Planet of the Apes

    Any Chris Farley movie



  7. 24 minutes ago, slorch said:

    I have owned voting for him. I have openly said I don't care for hom as a person and disagree with his ' less than presidential' antics. With you fuckers, I guess if it aint all hate, all the time; it's defending someone. 

    so WTF are you talking about?

    Serious question: when Trump sides (repeatedly) with Putin and (repeatedly) claims the US intelligence agencies are wrong (lying) in their assessments, is this an example of a "less than presidential antic", or something else? Is he being a simple boob, or is he siding with our biggest global adversary over the American agents & soldiers?

    You sound eerily similar to my FIL back in 2016, weeks prior to the election, when he said "you might detest the character of the candidate, but you'll still vote for him because you believe God will make him a better person when he is elected POTUS."

    BTW, my FIL is a hypocritical liar, too.

  8. As a huge Scorsese fan I don't think there's much debate about the fact that Bringing Out the Dead is the biggest WTF of his career. It's so bad I've often wondered if he had a temporary relapse & got coked up again. It's unwatchable.

    Just saw Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore on TCM a few months ago. Underrated film.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

    bc he can't see a black man earn more respect than him

    Very much this. Hell, it's very possible he never would have truly campaigned for the presidency in 2016 had Obama not made him look like a fool at the correspondents' dinner in 2011. In Trump's twisted mind no one on this planet is more intelligent, thoughtful, successful, etc. than him. He honestly believes he's the most gifted person on the planet. Maybe the greatest to ever live. There's no way in hell he's going to be bettered by black men in any regard.

  10. Cutthroat is the male fit lump so yeah, he's thread worthy. And since he's a social media whore he has plenty of material for us to laugh at. I doubt that he'd ever find out about it, but if someone told him he was being laughed at on a message board he'd surely go off the rails, right?

  11. I forget the poster on the old site who used this analogy but it was 100% nut on perfect: SW is now like being in an HOA. It's required by deed and you only go to the meetings on the off chance that you could miss something that's critical to know, but mostly you just walk away pissed off at the time & money you're wasting.

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  12. 9 hours ago, M12BH said:

    When phone banking for Beto last week I ran across a few people who said they would neverneverNEVEREVER vote for a Democrat. So there's your answer.  

    A good friend of mine said the exact same thing just the other week. He's 61 and is as honest as the day is long, but he's Team R regardless of the candidates in front of him. He did walk it back a bit by saying "never say never", because his dad was a yella dog Dem from Wichita Falls who never voted for an R in his life until the final 2 presidential elections of his life (hint: the D won but was infamous for wearing a tan suit once).

  13. Start around 3:30 to hear Nils describe how Chuck Berry intentionally made an absolute shambles of a song just to embarrass an A-list backup band including Bruce, most of the E Street Band, Chrissie Hynde, GE Smith and others during a RnR HOF anniversary concert in the early '90s. 


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  14. The biggest problem is fans expecting the Star Wars series to be able to create complex, multi-layered stories that carry great weight. They WANT it to live up to their greatest fantasies of this amazing galaxy from long ago and far, far away. But as Sir Alec Guinness famously said of episode IV, "you can fit the story on the head of a pin." That's it. That's the truth.

    I was 8 years old when SW premiered in '77. Living in small town Minnesota. Parents going through a nasty divorce. SW became my alternative life. After seeing the movie as often as I could I would read the paperback cover to cover repeatedly. It was the perfect escape at a time I desperately needed it. A simple story with easily defined characters & just a hint of a bigger mystery. ESB was the best of the series due to the Kershner/Kasdan influence. Beyond that, you've got a bunch of basic movies doing basic stuff with fancy FX and no new story to tell.

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  15. Chatted w/ a local Austin beer rep at my pub last night. Said UT held a meeting w/ the different food & bev distributors earlier in the week. CDC was there. He told me he'd never been more impressed by a high level exec before. His presentation was spot on about their mission to give event attendees the best of everything, & if there's something in the way of them delivering on that promise then he wants to know & they will damn sure fix it. After the presentation it was open for Q&A from the floor. CDC wouldn't leave until every question was answered. He said if there was a hand in the room he didn't shake or an introduction he didn't make then he didn't see it. He connected with everyone.

    Now this rep works for one of the biggest in Austin. I'm sure anyone with half a brain can connect the dots. But he's been doing this for 25+ years & has heard pitches from everyone about everything throughout most of the state. Said he went in expecting to half sleep through another dog & pony, but came out invigorated & motivated. 

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