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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. I think Mankiewicz--especially early on--was being asked to jazz up the intros/outros and make them more "hip" in an attempt to attract a younger audience. Osborne was the gold standard of smooth. He knew all of the facts and all of the audience & crew members, down to the assistant key grip. Loved that guy.

    I doubt he'd take the pay cut, but Alec Baldwin was so good when teaming up with Osborne for The Essentials that if TMC ever decided to make him a host I think he'd be a runaway hit.

  2. Trump's Reality Distortion Field Primer

    • Anything even remotely good that happens in the world is only due to him, his vision, his planning, and/or execution solely. No one else knew how difficult or complex the problem was, and only he could solve it
    • Anything bad is someone else's fault, especially the previous 44 lazy, loser POTUSes


  3. Quote

    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.” 

    We are so fucked.

  4. And yet the Trumpkin farmers & factory workers who will take it in the shorts, lose jobs & may even be forced to sell their farms or default will still swallow the BS from their orange god. Because he speaks tough, just like them. #MAGA!!!

  5.  https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1011994162076573697



    I've done so much for you? This is like a desperate loser begging his ex to come back even though he cheated on her, stole from her purse & kicked her dog.




  6. My late grandmother got that same type of call about 4 years ago. She didn't fall for it (she was still sharp as a tack in her 90s), but she relayed the incident to my dad (who then called to chew me out because he blamed it on me for something he figured I'd posted on "the Facebook"; the old man's social media paranoid). And my MIL (no pics) got another version of that scam call about 6 months ago. In both instances the scammer was pretending to be me and claiming that I was in jail & had been involved in a car accident & had a broken nose/broken teeth which explained why my voice sounded different.

    Oddly, my MIL was closer to falling for the scam than my grandmother. Gramma knew I'd never call to ask her for money. MIL called my wife immediately after the incident to confirm I wasn't in any trouble & admitted that it caught her off guard enough that she was actually trying to work out a way to wire money to the scammer "me", but the conman was insisting that he needed her CC info. 

    They're good. They can get enough public info to make it believable to someone who might be confused. In my Gramma's case the scammer didn't identify himself other than to say he was her grandson & was in jail in South America. Gramma then said something like "what would you be doing so far from Texas, (my name)", thereby giving him that detail.

  7. 2 hours ago, miguelito said:

    One of my friends had a HUGE crush on him, so we'd all go to his concerts so she could stalk him.

    When I moved to Seattle, I actually saw a couple of his shows up there.  I still listen to his stuff occasionally. 

    I still have fond memories of watching Twang Twang Shock-a-Boom busqueing on the mall as a freshman in '89, then seeing them open a set at AquaFest the next year.

    My buddy and I helped push James McMurtry's broken down/out of gas Ford up the Drag one day on our way to class. We just saw a guy in trouble. My friend recognized him first. Too Long in the Wasteland had just come out. My friend had a CD in his bag. But a non-working Bic pen. James was appreciative. I think his exact words were "Thanks. Fuck it." 

    • Like 1
  8. 54 minutes ago, Message Board User said:



    Post this as exhibit 1A in the thread asking "Will America Recover?"

    No. Because 40% of the population of this country thinks this explanation is not only defensible but viable.

    • Like 3
  9. If you're not having kids for those reasons, you're much worse off than brisket. 
    That's not the reason we didn't have kids. I've known since childhood I wasn't ever going to be a parent. Knew it in my bones. The cliff we're racing towards as a society does reinforce the fact we made the right choice for us.
    • Like 1
  10. I'm not quite as fatalistic as brisket but not too far behind. I become more & more thankful each day that my wife & I didn't have children. Can't imagine the challenge of explaining to them how we as a society fucked this whole thing up.

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