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Posts posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. 20 minutes ago, VolenteHawk said:

    It doesn’t have to be that well placed. It can be awkwardly jammed in out of nowhere like, oh say, off the top of my head here, Casino Island and Codebreaker.


    But it was totally worth it to see the young slave boy move that broom with the Force, amirite?

  2. That's the scene we pretty much all want. But the only T&A we're getting is Luke milking a dinosaur.

    A well placed scene where Keri and Daisy scissor would give it one full letter grade improvement.  
    • Like 3
  3. It's gonna be a B-/C+ movie as per usual. Good luck creating a coherent plot explaining Leia's death with unused footage from the other 2 movies. At best there will be shots in the can looking forlornly into space & muttering Kylo Ren's name. Plus a flashback with Han.

    The franchise is going to live on via the Rey/Finn/Poe characters. The only true question is if Kylo Ren is given the redemption treatment, or they make the character go to the Super Duper Dark Side, making him more evil/powerful than any other Sith. If he comes back to the good side then Abrams succeeds in remaking IV-VI. Yawn. If his evil goes to plaid then maybe they can explore some new avenues but even that's unlikely. In 40 years the Empire's gone from destroying planets to destroying solar systems. Do episodes X-XII deal with stopping the universe destroying weapon?


  4. Peter King posted a fabulous quote in his weekly NBC Sports article this morning (dug up by Darren Rovell).

    "I feel sorry for the poor guy who is going to buy the Dallas Cowboys. It's a no-win situation for him because if he wins, well, so what, they've won through the years. And if he loses, which seems likely because they're having troubles, he'll be known to the world as a loser."

    That was what Trump said in 1984 when he passed on purchasing the team for $50mm. Forbes lists them as the most valuable sports franchise in the world with a value of just under $5B, 34 years after Mr Art of the Deal made his statement.

  5. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Nope.  Higher than that.  This is from poll numbers nearly a year ago, and I'm pretty sure it's only gone up:


    I think Jeff Ward was spot on with his theory that roughly 30-35% of the voters are in favor of living under an autocrat AS LONG AS the autocrat supports views. They don't want anything to change as long as THEY get THEIRS, and the BAD people (blacks, browns, gays, libs, etc) are marginalized. 

  6. What a fucking tweet. "People at the higher ends of intelligence". LMFAO. Billy Bob Racist Redneck is lapping that up no doubt. The dipshit in chief can't even spell "collusion" properly, yet is claiming only the super intelligent & ultra elite supporters of him realize his true genius.

    Hurry up, Mueller. For the sake of this nation, hurry up.

  7. David Gergen (presidential adviser under Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton) on CNN right now: "You've got two guys up there and you don't believe either one of them."


    "this is the worst day in Trump's presidency since the 'both sides' argument in Charlottesville."

  8. 2 hours ago, Patron said:

    Our Dotard just blamed the bad relationship on US and Russian on the US.

    Ol' Ronnie is doing triple axles in his grave right now. Sure is a lot of crickets chirping from the party of Reagan worshippers every time Trump sides with Putin & Russia over the United States. I wonder why that is?

    • Like 1
  9. I think Mankiewicz--especially early on--was being asked to jazz up the intros/outros and make them more "hip" in an attempt to attract a younger audience. Osborne was the gold standard of smooth. He knew all of the facts and all of the audience & crew members, down to the assistant key grip. Loved that guy.

    I doubt he'd take the pay cut, but Alec Baldwin was so good when teaming up with Osborne for The Essentials that if TMC ever decided to make him a host I think he'd be a runaway hit.

  10. Trump's Reality Distortion Field Primer

    • Anything even remotely good that happens in the world is only due to him, his vision, his planning, and/or execution solely. No one else knew how difficult or complex the problem was, and only he could solve it
    • Anything bad is someone else's fault, especially the previous 44 lazy, loser POTUSes


  11. Quote

    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.” 

    We are so fucked.

  12. And yet the Trumpkin farmers & factory workers who will take it in the shorts, lose jobs & may even be forced to sell their farms or default will still swallow the BS from their orange god. Because he speaks tough, just like them. #MAGA!!!

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