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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Holy shit balls. I would be in a frozen coma... a broke frozen coma
  2. I guess I dont understand. What damage is there? Not being flippant
  3. There you go again. Upstairs AND downstairs !!😁 Probably have a pool also...
  4. I would be afraid of my electric bill at 67°. That's rapper with money temps there
  5. Thermostat set to 70 degrees !!! nice humble brag there
  6. I would go all out if I was the Big 12 add BYU Boise Cincinnati Memphis UCF USF Tulane East Carolina Big 16
  7. uhhh we haven't fared too well with middle of the pack Big 12 teams the last 10 years BUT , Texas 35 Louisiana 17
  8. oh jesus. drink whatever beer or alcoholic beverage you like . Dont give a fuck what it is You do you boo boo
  9. out of all the teams left in the Big 12 , I want Iowa State to go to one of the remaining conferences (Big 10)and I wouldn't mind Texas scheduling a home and home with them for multiple years. You fucks are good people and always been cool to chill with .
  10. interesting that Texas , Michigan, Auburn and others still bring in the eyeballs even without meeting the fan expectations . Just imagine if we (Texas) start really winning
  11. Just wow. Talk about throwing your dick on the table and then realizing it doesn't even reach the table
  12. I cant see it either...and now I have the sads Sorry! We could not locate the item you are trying to view.
  13. Hey i thought its all about equality and fairness in the world. [emoji16] Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
  14. I have been drinking, but you surly fucks knew what i meant Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
  15. First nfl start...not bad, not bad at all. Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
  16. I hear you, but different folks, different strokes. I love the small town with room to breathe. Big yard and low crime. Chill life
  17. I wonder if working remotely will decrease the move to the city or even reverse it if it gains traction and becomes the norm. Covid has changed the perception of where one lives and works
  18. Pretty cool for those that care Cuts of Numeral Joker, Revenge of the Sith, Clone Wars, and Beyond - Torrents, Maglinks, and More - Google Docs
  19. both...I just want things to look up for 6 to 8 more years. I know, wishful thinking
  20. Who are all these new fucks trying to be all surly and shit ?
  21. So its time for it to start going up?
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