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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Second one for me. Color was called Harvest Wheat. Should have never got rid of it . Was still running 30 years old. Benn through three since then
  2. Thanks, very disappointed and if it doesn't change fast we will become mid-tier( or worse) in the SEC
  3. Can you share? I am waaaaaay on the outside and would like to know the who and what is fucked up. This shit really shouldn't be this hard for Texas
  4. I wonder why espn wouldnt tell the leftovers to merge with the aac and they will give 10 to 15 mil per team and a 10 year deal. Only condition let OU and UT go without penalty.
  5. Book,cover... something like that
  6. Not to nitpick. Doc's is in Valparaiso, but Niceville and Valparaiso are known as the twin cities. Its a fun place and nice view Sooooo half credit.
  7. I swear he looks like captain caveman
  8. if not we should schedule them out of conference every year. Love those crazy guys
  9. Everyone sure (surly) seems confident this is going to happen. I hope we arent counting our chickens too quick
  10. After the Urban drama I'm just going to sit back and chill.
  11. And its just a real kick in the nuts that win # 9 was to a team we can only dream about beating . Fuck Tom Herman
  12. And they supposedly did it all with just stone tools... I can sit here and absolutely do no work and just go down the interweb rabbit hole with this shit. And hey !! get paid to do it
  13. I love watching all that. Takes me away from all the batshit crazy stuff we deal with day to day in this world. Am I 100% all in? no. Do I think something is going on? possibly. Do I think its time traveler/ Inter dimensional / distant planet alien? maybe . That machu picchu and puma punku stuff has me curious and what if-ing though... And dont any of you "scientist" bring up facts to ruin my what if-ing
  14. Someone afraid when they hear knocking loudly at 11pm and they have nothing else ?
  15. I so badly wanted to see someone knock his ass out or pull out a gun and shoot him 3 times in the head
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