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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. seems like he definitely hit the auto destruct button
  2. Thanks The Dude for asking for clarification, Im hurting for this country man. I hate what happened. I am embarrassed as an American by these dumbfucks. It was a huge deal. I was trying to say earlier that I don't agree with any violence, but agree with all peaceful protest. I wish I was articulate enough to explain how I really feel . Just worn down by what seems both sides polarizing everything. I usually just stick to the lighter boards and avoid political shit
  3. " they need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. "
  4. I understand what you are saying, but I think its hyperbole to think that these 20k fuck ups would have accomplished anything besides destruction of property and embarrassing themselves and their families in front of millions
  5. I love and hate this site they were extremist dumbfucks . A bunch a dumbass folk using their ignorance to think they have a mandate and they need to be prosecuted to the full extend of the law.
  6. They weren't going to overthrow the fucking government. JFC
  7. I get $7 if I match Yotta, if not another .25
  8. How in the world will being an owner of a strip club help a marriage ???Can you imagine the nightly drama and having your marriage involved, around or engaged with it?
  9. there's a tab that does it automagically for you on the app and then you get a monthly email with your wins and APR
  10. man , apologize for posting again, but i have tears in my eyes. This was a gut punch and makes me cherish what I have So sorry for your loss
  11. My family is praying for you and hope you find some peace during this difficult time. I can't imagine such a loss . Please reach out to friends and family to lighten the load and bring some solace .
  12. ahhhh that clears it up. Not I miss the old recruiting days of " a deer drinking by the river at midnight" . Left me just as clueless
  13. i'm old and the decoder ring i got out of the cracker jack box isnt working what does this mean ?
  14. Just for research purposes , who is the nice woman in your avatar pic?
  15. 👍 I am mostly doing this as a out of sight out of mind saving account, but do enjoy the "thrill" of maybe winning the lottery. So far the return is above my money market
  16. $ at the end of the amount just kills me.
  17. The thing about this is I don't believe you ever had inside info and you just want to gloat on Texas not getting urban. It reeks of malcontent and revelry in the cohabited mud. You are a strange guy and that's coming from a strange guy. You have an odd internet schtick, but I guess that works for you.
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