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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Whats that the name of your Girl Scout troop?
  2. I don't think he encouraged Chris to relapse, he just subtly suggested he was a defective pussy because he couldn't handle his shit. Total shit bag. Thought Chris was weak because he needed AA(therapy) to function. So ignorant he couldn't see that he also needed therapy to function. And his daughter. And his son. Tony was by far the most toxic person on the show. He only loves/appreciates his kids when they are doing something that makes him proud or tragedy strikes a family similarly situated. He treats AJ like shit for years until Justin Siffereto takes the arrow to the chest. He goes back to treating AJ like shit shortly after. He loves Meadow until she expresses her own opinions and bangs a black dude. Then she is a piece of shit. Loves her again when she stops banging black dude.
  3. Some other tard spoke before her. He said 750,000 kids under 18 die in the US each year due to sports related injuries. Sounds high.
  4. I bet her undercarriage smells like Durian after she takes a flight of stairs.
  5. Lindell is big mad at Tucker, Laura and Hannity for not talking about this bullshit. Last night he said they should come to his shitty network and he would pay them more than FOX. He is clearly back on drugs, right?
  6. Luxury Lounge is also not very good. Except for the problems between Benny and Artie, its trash. The Ben Kingsley story line is bad.
  7. Grade A shitbags. How do you see a loved one behaving that way and not get her into rehab or help for whatever mental illness she was afflicted with?
  8. "If I was a carpenter and you were a douche bag"
  9. I forgot about TTard. That guy is completely off the rails. You think its meth, schizophrenia or both?
  10. I went to his website and this dude obviously is on the spectrum. No disrespect to anyone who has a loved one on the spectrum. He claims to be a programmer but his website looks like it was designed by a couple of 2nd graders with a Commodore 64.
  11. "Are you gonna make the same stupid joke everytime that comes up?"
  12. "Can you believe there is a dog groomer there in case somebody needs a snack?"
  13. "...oh and your mom wants you to bring wine when you come to dinner on Sunday."
  14. Every episode except "A Hits a Hit" and "In Camelot." Trash.
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